On a couple of occasions over the last few days I have been noticing strange things happening on Pinpics.
On the thumbnails in my wants list -sometimes they are jumbled up with incorrect links and at the moment it looks as if I have the new DSF BRave pin with the horse but when I click on the picture it takes me to the actual pin it should be in that place which is the POMH monsters inc pin???
My wants list is looking strange at the moment with a mixture of pins I already own in the place of the actual pins I want but again when clicking on the picture it takes me to the correct pin.
Is this happening to anyone else ??? Or is it just me??
On the thumbnails in my wants list -sometimes they are jumbled up with incorrect links and at the moment it looks as if I have the new DSF BRave pin with the horse but when I click on the picture it takes me to the actual pin it should be in that place which is the POMH monsters inc pin???
My wants list is looking strange at the moment with a mixture of pins I already own in the place of the actual pins I want but again when clicking on the picture it takes me to the correct pin.
Is this happening to anyone else ??? Or is it just me??