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I can't seem to find any threads about the new Pixar Alphabet Series (and they're not on PinPics yet), but I have:
J - Standard
T - Chaser
H- Chaser
Looking for:
E - Standard or Chaser
M - Standard or Chaser
B - Standard or Chaser
P - Standard or Chaser
N - Standard or Chaser
Please also feel free to check out my PinPics for other pins too. I have been away for a while...LIFE! But I moved to Orlando last month, so now I can get over to the parks and Pin Traders easily and frequently, yay! Let's trade- alphabet pins or just ANY PINS!
Are you looking to only trade your extras for other Pixar alphabet pins? I'm interested in your T and J (primarily J), but don't have any of the Pixar alphabet letters yet to trade.
(I even worked south of Disneyland on Thursday and drove past the park on my way home, but I had no idea what was being released so I decided to pass up stopping by. Kicked myself so hard when I saw them pop up on Facebook that night!)