Question about Le Poste Tracking

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Question about Le Poste Tracking


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Update 07/17 : I was given a tracking number for Le Poste ( I think t is Le Poste at least). Where do I track it from? I'd appreciate it if anyone can help me :)


After a long time of having my TA off on Pinpics, I made a trade with a French trader. I sent 2 pins and I am expecting 2 pins.

The trade was initiated on 05/28. I already received an e-mail from the other trader telling me that my pins arrived. I - yeah, you guessed it - did not get anything so far. I contacted him twice with 12 days difference, and I got the same carbon copy answer both times.

hi Selen
i m very surprised you don t have yet received my pins
i don t
have tracking number
if saturday you don t have received it i can send
another( the same) to you
tell me saturday

I know I can file a complaint with PP, but I also know the best they can do is to ban his account. I do not expect PP go to France and bring me my pins :lol:

On dizpins they have about 60 references from 07/2010 until 10/2013. Is there anyone who traded with this person? If yes, how was your experience?

I was expecting Mother Gothel PTN pin and also X-mas Pascal. My daughter asks me every day if her pins have come yet and she is tired of mommy telling her to be patient. This left such a bad taste for me, I have put my TA back off again :(
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I know the feeling, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith! I've made an IG trade with an active international trader. It was for fairly high end pins (low LEs). I sent out mine and have yet to hear anything back from them despite a few inquiries. However, they did make a public announcement shortly after I sent out my trade they were on a vacation here in the US and I've read no bad press about them and I REALLY wanted their pin haha. We'll see if my pin arrives! I have faith it will :) And yours as well! International shipping is sometimes a slow process. (Part of me hopes they brought the pin with them and sent it while in the US so it gets here faster...Wouldn't that be awesome?)

I am not familiar with who you traded with but I hope it all works itself out, especially for your daughter! Please do update us.
What is their email addy ,pm me this of course and I will look at their refs and see if I did a trade with them at all
they sound familiar to me
Hi Selen, so sorry to hear this. :(

That email rang a bell so I looked through my records and I have traded twice with that trader, last time about a year ago, July 2013. Nothing memorable stands out, just a regular trade. Pins were just fine. I know you know that international trading can take a while. I am right now waiting for a trade that is going on a month (all fine though) Have you asked him to send the replacement yet?

I just wanted to chime in and share some positive feedback and I am holding out hope for you!

That said--I got *nothing* to help you with persistent child questions. That'll wear you down like nobody's business. If I could figure that out, I would win the Nobel Prize.

Hang in there!!

Laura "sometimes mommy needs a special drink, honey" :lol:
Thanks for the support you guys :)

Judy I will send you a PM shortly, but I did not see you amongst his references.

I did ask for replacement, but it is "if you don't get them by Saturday". 2 Saturdays came and went.

I had 3 more trades lined up around the same time - 2 with France and 1 with NL, as well as another purchase from France. They all showed up within 2 weeks, but this one seems to take its sweet time :(
So sorry to hear this. It is so unfair. I don't trade much out of the US but I did recently make a trade from France and my pins came very quickly and were very nice. I was one of the lucky ones. I sure hope you get your pins.
After saying a TX sized "Thank You" to everyone for their support, I will give a quick update:

I am not sure if it was because of this post, but I received an update from my trading partner. A new set of pins are on their way to us and this time with tracking number. So, there is light at the end of tunnel :)

Best of luck to everyone for happy trades.
WOOO HOOO! :) Great news! I hope they get here soon and thanks for the update.

Now turn your Pinpics back on. :lol:
I have a tracking number for what I think is the Le Poste. I need help to figure it out though. Where do I track it from?
I have the exact URL for Le Poste tracking bookmarked at home (at work now); if you don't get it from someone else in the meantime, I will post to this thread when I get home tonight. I will say that I had one eBay purchase with an absolutely reputable seller that took SIX WEEKS to arrive with Le Poste tracked mail. (I've had other items sent from France without tracking that took about a week.) There is also a certain point in the process at which your package will leave the Le Poste system and enter the USPS system. At that point, it will look like there are no updates to Le Poste but if you plug the number into USPS, it will register and update. I did not know this at the time, and I thought my package had completely fallen off the grid because the Le Poste tracking didn't update for two or three weeks and I was freaking out. But it turned out fine in the end.
Thank you for your help. I think my package was accepted on 07/10. I hope that it will be in NY customs soon.

I think I should be able to track it via USPS once it passes the customs. That is where they usually get stuck and lost though. So, fingers crossed :x:
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