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Question - Trading older OE's for Newer OE's

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Question - Trading older OE's for Newer OE's


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How would you handle this one? I am Trading some older OE pins and one of my Trade requests was for a newer OE pin. The Trades/Wants matched up good, but obviously there was a "price difference" between my pin and the newer pin.

I, personally, never really take into consideration the price for OE's if the Trades/Wants match up well. If you have it on your Wants list I assume that you are going to Trade OE for OE pretty straight up. If I paid $3 for my OE 10 years ago, and the new OE's go for say $9, I am not going to offer 3-for-1 to match what you paid. Comments and advice.

Mike S.
My first thought would be to consider inflation. But going from $3 to $9 in 10 years is certainly higher than the generally accepted annual rates for most items.

Personally, if the wants/trades ratios match up, and they're both OE, I wouldn't really care much about their release years. Nit-picking the $ value of every trade just doesn't seem fun to me. If I want what they've got more than what I have, and vice versa, it's a trade!
I second the advice above. If you're looking for a guide for what would be a fair trade between two pins, I think that the wants/trading ratio is your best bet. But all in all, if you have a pin that they want, and they have a pin that you want, that's all that matters! Each trade is unique. Best of luck!
Pin cost, unless you are talking hundreds of dollars, should not even be considered. If it's a millon dollar pin, and no one wants it, it is, "for all intents and purposes", worthless.
depends on the pins in question..some old OEs are harder to find than others so while they may have physically cost less theyd be worth more now since theyd be harder to replace than a current OE.. some old OEs to me are now rarer than some LEs as people just didnt buy them..
Was just thinking about that this week. The first pin listed in my wants is either an OE or unknown (probably large edition) LE - but in almost a decade of searching for it I've never seen one (although both times I went to the Florida pin event I met someone who claimed to have it and that they'd bring it the next day and neither did so despite my providing both with my contact info - it was rather heartbreaking).

I'd happily trade an LE for that pin - if I could ever find one! And I've traded LEs for older OEs in the past too.

I'd maintain that an older out of circulation OE certainly holds its value against a current higher-retail OE simply because a current pin is easy for anyone to get whereas an older one is likely less so.
What -em and Jabberwocky said. Those $3, pre-pin trading pins are pretty darn HTF. I was excited this summer when I found a group of about 12 of the Mickey dressed in country costumes, that they sold at Epcot in the 90's. And even early pin-trading OE's, had a bunch of styles that were produced once, and never restocked, making them a defacto LE pin. My grail pins are 2 OE pins (Whispering Canyon Cafe, and a Dixie Landings pin from a hat). I've seen them come up once in a blue moon.

But some of the $6 millennium era pins were also massively produced, and a look at wants/trades and Ebay listings show that the are worth no more than lanyard fodder. I would feel uncomfortable offering those types of pins 1 for 1 for the more expensive OE pins. I'd still maybe offer for green price coded pins, because that is what the $6 pin was equivalent to. But I wouldn't offer for a blue or yellow. If I had a $10 back-in-the-day OE pin, I would offer for blue/yellow, but not for green, because the $10 pin was the "highest tier." But it ultimately comes down to how badly I want what is offered.
^ Yes all of this too. Certainly a Disney mall store pin that clearanced at .50 and has 300 trading and 6 wanting isn't going to get you the latest Frozen or Rapunzel $14.95 pin-on-pin.

But I think regarding the question of "is a nice older rack pin a reasonable trade for a current rack pin?" - my answer would be yes.
I actually would value the older OE pin more than a current one because pretty much anyone has access to a current OE pin but the older ones that haven't been restocked are often very nice, cool pins. Here are some examples of OE pins that I got that I think are really nice. I would never trade them for a current OE pin, or probably for almost ANY pin. (I think they are all OE)

I have some OE on my wants that people won't even trade LEs for (and low LE numbers at that) so I guess everyone is different...
Thanks everyone for all of the input. I still will go by the Trades/Wants method for the OE's, but it seems that most of the newer Traders want to go by the $$'s. As a side-note, I have been trying for years to get many of my Wants that are #<10,000 on PinPics with ZERO luck!!

Many of the newer Traders do not look at the "old stuff" as pieces of our hobbys history.

Mike S.
It is the first thing they do.Let me check E Sley to see what it sold for last time it sold...:nono:
Retired OEs are worth more to me than a new OE. And in most cases I like older pins anyway. Not sure about non-retired though. I would figure new and old would be worth the same to me in that case. They are both OEs and not hard to get ahold of I imagine, so I wouldn't see a big deal in trading 1 for 1 if the ratios match up well.
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