Quickly Expanding Traders
Hey guys, I've been thinking lately, quite a lot, about the small number of traders I have at the moment. I usually always get pins from dsf, but I trade them away so fast for my collection that I'm left with hardly any traders, and then my large pin book is totally empty. I've been wanting to save pins for a long period of time and then only trade when I'm at DSF or disneyland. I've only been collecting for about a year, but I feel like I should have a larger collection of traders. I feel so inferior when I'm trading with other people that have pin books :anxious: Maybe I should just get a smaller pin book?
How do you guys hold on to your traders? Any thoughts? Or is it just a matter of how long you've been collecting pins?
How do you guys hold on to your traders? Any thoughts? Or is it just a matter of how long you've been collecting pins?