Somebody who collects rare and/or unique Haunted Pins, Needs this pin...LE 25 pin!
DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
Hello- I've had pin 51916 LE 25 Happy Haunts Ball 2003 A Ghostly Birthday Jumbo Framed Pin Set (Legs Only) in my traders for a while. Somebody has to be interested
. It's an LE 25 Haunted pin
. Let me know if you're interested in trading for it. You don't have to have any of my wants, as I'm interested in many other pins. Also, if you have interest in any of my other traders, please let me know. I'm especially looking to trade several non le pins to lighten my trader bag a bit...looking to make 2+ pins from me for 1 pin from you type trades. I have a for sale post as well with all my traders listed. Thanks- Jason