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ZAPPED! Such a great Zap!!

ZAPPED! Such a great Zap!!


DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
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Oh you guys, I haven't been around much the last few days--chaos over here since my son broke his foot this weekend! :( He is 13, he'll heal fast and all the rest, but he lives and breathes baseball, got a new bat for Christmas, is all he talks about every year...and he broke it the day before their first game. :shock:

My other kids are finishing up the school year, *I* am taking a class too and now we are adding in crutches, no weight-bearing and a very sad kid into the bargain. It's nuts and I can't wait till it settles down!

So my kids brought the mail in yesterday and as usual put it in a "safe place" (that I can never find). As I was cleaning up last night, I came across an envelope with ZAP! written on the back, tore it open, and found THIS:


From Paul1823! It was so nice and so unexpected and I needed a bright spot SO badly, I almost cried! :) THANK YOU so much! You are a sweetheart and this made my day! :)

Congrats on your zap Laura. I have been MIA too lately but I will e-mail you tomorrow. Hugs to your lil' baseball fan :)
Thank you everyone! Out of 4 kids this is "my" first broken bone, so I guess I should count myself lucky. His coach was nice enough to take him to an actual Brewers game tonight with his own son, so he is in heaven! :)

Selen, dare I say "break a leg" to your daughter? :) You know I mean it in the performance sense!! :)