Tangled PTDs
I'm looking for all the Tangled PTD pins. I've been having some bad luck with finding them but I'll not give up yet! I've been lucky to find Flynn through a DPF auction here so hopefully my luck on DPF will work with me again. Below are the ones I'm looking for.
I am open to both trading and buying. Just let me know what you would look for specifically. I can't promise to buy it immediately, though. I know these are going for high prices so I'll probably only find one. If you're trading, be sure to let me know what your wants are. I'm still trying to update my traders but I've been lazy lol.
My biggest wish is the Blue and Green Pascal.
PTD Rapunzel
PTD Green Pascal
PTD Gothel
PTD Blue Pascal
PTD Red Pascal
Thanks for reading!
I am open to both trading and buying. Just let me know what you would look for specifically. I can't promise to buy it immediately, though. I know these are going for high prices so I'll probably only find one. If you're trading, be sure to let me know what your wants are. I'm still trying to update my traders but I've been lazy lol.
My biggest wish is the Blue and Green Pascal.
PTD Rapunzel
PTD Green Pascal
PTD Gothel
PTD Blue Pascal
PTD Red Pascal
Thanks for reading!