ZAPPED! Thank you!!! (Zapped by Docfish - Assist to Rasputin)
So, apparently there is a 12+ Days of Christmas zapping "thing" underway, and somehow or other, my name came up!
Thanks VERY much to Docfish and Rasputin for the AWESOME Trusty and Jock Marquee from Lady and the Tramp!
My wife and I have L&T as a sort of "theme", and so everything L&T is highly desirable!
I do have to apologize, for taking so long to post this "Thank you!" The package actually arrived last week ( I think Friday?) but some family stuff came down this weekend, and my personal time dropped to zero. Everything is worked out and life is good now, just in time to really start enjoying the Christmas holiday!
I wish I could share some of these fresh baked Christmas goodies with my DPF family, but it's so hard to get the darn things packaged up... Someone keeps eating them as they come out of the oven... LOL
:hug: all around! Merry Christmas, or Happy whatever you celebrate this time of year!