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ZAPPED! Tiara Zap :) That is right, TIARA!!

ZAPPED! Tiara Zap :) That is right, TIARA!!


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No, it is not Tiana, you read it right, Tiara

My daughter is on Fall Break from school and she has HW. As part of her homework, we had to write a letter to her BF yesterday.

Then, she asked me: "Mommy, you get mail ALL the time. When will I get my own mail?"

So, in the afternoon the mail came. There was a package addressed to her. Not a letter, but a whole package. Hmmm, who is listening in on our conversations and how could anyone know that she was hoping for her "own mail" ??

My daughter was excited and curious. Carefully, I cut the envelope open. To our amazed eyes, this little Tiara was sent to her:

Inside, there was a small sale flyer, but nothing else to identify who it is from. The sender addres was a business in NJ.
Mommy could smell "Marisa (beeatingu)" written all over it Dear Marisa took time to send my lil princess a Tiara !! Thanks lady, you made my kiddo's day & night. She wore it all afternoon and evening. Luckily she was sensible enough not to take it to her swim class :lol:
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Thank you everyone for your kind words and sharing in this happy surprise.

Now, if anybody else wants to zap my daughter, our address is ..... just kidding of course :lol:

im glad she liked it! sweet little Elif, Im glad she got it when she needed it most!

Thank you again Marisa. She is looking forward to this trip and she wants to meet you. I think we will go to the Halloween party at DLR as Snow White (her) and Evil Queen (me LOL). She will wear your tiara to the party