I'm still new to pin trading myself, but I have done a couple of trades via Pinpics. I was actually surprised by the number of responses I did get. I definitely did not expect to hear back from everyone.
I understand why people wouldn't respond if they feel that the trade is unfair or lopsided. However, as a newbie, I appreciate the feedback if a trade seems unfair as I'm still trying to get the hang of it. I try to suggest trades that seem fair but I know I'm still missing the mark some of the time.
I definitely agree that getting started can be frustrating though! It is hard to get a fair trade when you don't have a lot of traders to start out with. I had a good experience trading with Judy (tiggermickey) who helped me acheive a fair trade with her after I suggested one that was skewed in my favor. So if that's any indication, I think trading with other members on here will be a positive experience & I'm looking forward to doing more!
So basically I guess I'm saying "Hang in there!"