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Thanks to all the awesome traders, I've gotten a lot from my wants list - but there's a lot left on there! There are numerous Tron, Stitch, Star Wars, Jessica, Tink pins left that I know someone out there has. As for what I have to offer - all of my traders are on PinPics, 91 pages worth. Of course not all are jaw dropping, but there are some rarer things in there. And, depending on the pins involved, trade offers involving pins from my collection (all of which are also listed on PinPics under 'collection') or multi-for-one trades would be considered. No PM will go unanswered! Thanks for looking and happy trading.
PS. Here are some of the less common things in my traders, but it's obviously not a comprehensive list and doesn't count anything in my collection. 36441 was obtained from the (now former) CM that originally obtained it, as many of the cast pins that I have were.