SOLD! Want to trade? Trading off some Halloween-themed pins and pin boxes.
Since October is coming around . . . anyone looking for some Halloween-themed pins? Or pin cases? Here are two custom pin cases (Classic Disney clamshell VHS cases with cork foamcore inside) and a bunch of pins that we have for trade. NBC, ghosts, Scorcerer Mickey, Villains . . .
We are looking for pins that are NOT any of these topics! So, feel free to email with trade offers! Our PinPics ID is stratasfan
We often are interested in pins that are not listed on our Wants list, but if you look through some of our Wants, you'll get an idea! Some topics we really are into are UP, Beauty and the Beast, Duchess the cat, Tsum Tsums, Robin Hood (actually, anything to do with Archery/archers - RH, Merida, Hawkeye - anything with bow and arrows!), 20,000 Leagues, Chip and Dale, Aulani . . . Feel free to contact us with offers!
The set of Jack face pins is not on PinPics.
Again . . . would LOVE to trade! Please feel free to contact me!