WANTING UP! PINS! Some awesome HK pins for trade for UP pins
Hello! I’ve got some awesome HKDL Pins for TRADE! I would like to trade Up pins that I don't have . I HAVE following:
WDL - dug and Carl on a backing card
DVD release pins - set of 3 pins
PTD - Kevin
PT52 : the bad guy in up ( chaser )
- Story book with Carl and Russell inside
- Russell Gumball
- Carl soda bottle
- valentine set ( heart shape )
UK disney store - ballon house
I would like to trade others up pins. Thanks for helping! Here are what I have for trade:
Monster University:
Toy Story
LEFT : LE 500
Mystery collection:
1. Toy story set
2. Puppet:
3. I love Mickey n Minnie series
Credit card series:
Coffee cup series:
HK Mystic Point
Mystic Point Opening LE 500
3D vinylmation pin: