What should I be looking for?
Hello all,
Amy and I are planning a trip in Sept to DL. Granted part of it is to see the new Car's Land & Buena Vista Dr and to got to the Holloween party but WE know the real reason - to get more pins
I don't care about resale value. I'm into Stitch and Chip & Dale. Amy is into Tigger. I know we will be getting at least 2 "been there done that" pins, Disneyland (Stitch of course) and the Disneyland Resort. I figure there will be pins for the new park attractions. I know I will try for some more Haunted Mansion mystery pins.
Besides these is there anything new and exciting? I am saving up a pin "budget" (though, let's face it, will be blown away) and want to know if there are anythingto grab first thing. Where in the stores there are so many pins its easy to miss a good one.