What Time will you be lining up for the Beloved Tales Dsf April 13th release
Just curious why this thread was even re-opened???
We as a pin community have all been through enough as a result of this release and it truly needs to stop...
Continued discussion of DSF and their policies and non-policies are causing more negativity than our hobby can handle...
I understand those of you who wish to discuss this in a civil manner, but no matter how civil there will no doubt be someone who does not agree with your opinion, thus their need to voice it and this will continue to get worse and worse...
This is beyond a simple picture of ice cream(sorry psycho...lol) and we all need to take a break from the tensions and go back to trading for our older Grails...!!!
Please for the good of all of the members, let's move on to new discussions...
Anyone have a Belle in a Blue dress for trade??? LOL... I Love you guys... Be good to each other...