Why can't people keep in contact??
#1 Kevin Fan
DPF Charter Member
This has been bugging me for the past few weeks, as Ive been dealing with 2 people on the forum for some pins and they have not bothered to tell me my pins have not been sent after two weeks for each person.
One claims they need help sending out 1 pin internationally and its not been sent as I know of and not been told my pin has arrived or not. And then the other person didnt tell me they had a delay and they had two weeks to contact me and I was even in chatroom a few times so could have just told me then.
I think I may just stick to buying off ebay for the time being.
After the crap Ive been through 2 weeks ago (got assaulted) then I was really looking forward to getting some pins to cheer me up but then nada, zip,nothing. I understand delays but 2 weeks without a single word is to me quite unfair.