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ZAPPED! Zap time from GhostTrains.... Happy day and big smiles around here !!!!

ZAPPED! Zap time from GhostTrains.... Happy day and big smiles around here !!!!


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We got a 3 pin zap earlyer this week. Sorry took sum time to post the thank you. BabyTrader took them all and has not set them down. I wanted to give a big thank you to Kirk for the very nice zap. They are the first new pins we have got since Feb. Everyone in the house couldnt wait to see what we had got. I cut the pack open and than handed it to BabyTrader to do the rest as we watched. He pulled them out one at a time and than unwraped each one. At first he didnt get it. After he got the wrap off the pin was face down. He looked at the back and than set it down to open more. He was not inpresed with the backer card back..lol So i stopped him from oppening the next one and had him flip the first one over. He got so excited and happy. "pins pins pins" he said and than grabed the next one to open. The next 2 he opened and fliped right side up each time only to get a suprize face look and say "pins pins pins" agian. After that he ran to show his mom that he got 3 pins (we let him think everything is his..lol) and he didnt set them down agian for the past few days.

Its because of these happy and fun times that we got into this hobby. We are so glad we found DPF and its great members. Its the good stuff that makes it all worth while and helps u not think of any the bad things that seem to b in the hobby also. Glad that sum of the Disney dream and magic is still around. Thank u Walt for all u gave us... and now the pins=:wiggle:

:hsd::wiggle:pin#61621 and pin#68257 3rd pin im not sure of yet (im looking still)

Thank you Kirk for the pins and more than that thank you for the happy moments that we got to have with BabyTrader. I am sure we will b on cloud 9 for sum time to come.

Happy days and posative vibes