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ZAPPED! Zapped by a tiny blue fairy aka Merryweather!

ZAPPED! Zapped by a tiny blue fairy aka Merryweather!


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First a big thanks to Selen, for taking pity on me and trading me this guy to help me get closer to completing my set of alphabet pins

But then she also sent this one to help my husband and I on our Animal Kingdom pin quest!

I have one more thing to say, and I know you will be able to understand it, given your current location


but for everyone else that's

Thanks for being a great friend (or what it's supposed to be, translation by Bing, in case someone here actually knows Mandarin)
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... for taking pity on me and trading me this guy ...

Yeah, pity ... pity it is ... In the words of (the very yummy) Captain Jack Sparrow "keep telling yourself that dahlin' "

And you forget what you gave me in your trade, right ;)


but for everyone else that's

Thanks for being a great friend ...

:rofl: The ladies of DPF ... you rock !! I love the sense of humor going around :)