ZAPPED! Zapped by Poohlady5!! :)
I had a horrible day today, and I came back to my dorm room to pick up some pinmail that I missed last week. I had a package that I was not expecting! To my surprise, it was an AMAZING zap!! I could not have been happier and it completely turned my day around! Thanks to Poohlady5, I am super happy now, and I completely loving everything I got. It was an awesome surprise for me, and I cannot thank you enough! (Also David/docfish2u!
) I collect Mickey Ears too, so it was super rad that I got a pair zapped as well! Opening the package was super great and it was just one great surprise after another! The pins are some of my most wanted, and I am just so happy! The card made me smile so much! Thank you so much again, you have made me super happy!