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2011 dlr hidden mickeys...are they out yet?

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lol . . . It sounds like you had some pretty good luck!! But yes I have been a little fortunate. Hoping that will continue this weekend!! :0)

Well it seems that CaligirlUCR has the Midas touch. I did not have such amazing luck. Poohlady5, after yesterday I have little hope of spelling out my soon to be nephew's name. I got there before opening and within the first 30 minutes saw over 20 managers and only one had a lanyard. Luckily she had 3 alphabet pins, 2 I needed for my nephew, T and Y as well as a Jessica, but as everyone knows only 2 per trade. I stayed until about 2, I didn't sleep the night before so I just couldn't hold out and I didn't want to be stuck in traffic for 3 hours if I waited too much longer. Just before I left I got lucky one more time. I found a regular CM who had An Alice HM, which I was thrilled about. A G, which I took because it was cute, doesn't help me with my nephew's pins, a B, a monorail and a DeeBee, he was all in silver, not sure what or who he was supposed to be. Anyway he had enough new HMs to make 2 more people happy after me.

I was going to try again today, but 2 nights with no sleep, not sure I would survive. Will go again either Friday, tomorrow or Sunday, or if I'm up to the take both days. CaligirlUCR, I need you to lay your hands upon me and give me some of your good luck. Because it seems that Disney is being a little stingy with releasing the pins. And traders are out in full force.
Today at first really was not good for new HM's I even waited over an hr for the "Books" and was 3rd in line and I only got 1 - there was only 5 in the entire book! But today was WONDERFUL for random lanyard trading!!! LE's, Completers, Tokyo Pins, 1 DA, and Rack pins!!! Then as I was leaving I had that "that one last store" moment and I scored!!! Sooooo excited I finished my dee bees, only need 2 more Alice comic strip, and 6 more letters!!! I am not collecting the monorail and havent quite made up my mind about the WOC ones . . . yay!! I am heading to the park again tomorrow - hopefully I can finish mine and start helping all of u complete yours!!
you did score today had my kids and hubby and didnt find not one hm,but like you i got 3 les and some really cute rack pins and i finally completed my black cauldron hm set from last year,though i found no new alice comics hms i have been offered the mad hatter through pin pics for a tink,but not sure if its agood trade or not.
Woot! Got a total of 8 today off a couple cast lanyards, plus 4 more from other traders. Grand total was 1 Deebee, 2 Alice Comic pins, and 9 Alphabet pins, including my most-wanted: Jessica.

Woot! Got a total of 8 2011 HM's today off a couple cast lanyards, plus 4 more from other traders. Grand total was 1 Deebee, 2 Alice Comic pins, and 9 Alphabet pins, including my most-wanted: Jessica.

So after the past two days of going to the park I am super excited to report I only need 1 more letter W Wendy and 1 more alice comic strip - the queeen!!! I finished my dee bees, WOC, and have trades set and in the mail for the florida dee bees and 4 of the yetis :0) I have a FULL set of dee bees and quite a few monorails, comic strip and letters for trade!!! Feel free to check out my traders :0)
So after the past two days of going to the park I am super excited to report I only need 1 more letter W Wendy and 1 more alice comic strip - the queeen!!! I finished my dee bees, WOC, and have trades set and in the mail for the florida dee bees and 4 of the yetis :0) I have a FULL set of dee bees and quite a few monorails, comic strip and letters for trade!!! Feel free to check out my traders :0)

Thats awesome, im jealous. That'd be awesome if disney issued a badge for collecting them, like the 2010 Master Collector badge!
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