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As requested, my PODM images

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As requested, my PODM images


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Reno, NV
I have three questions/comments regarding the Piece of Disney Movies series.

1. What makes a "desirable" PODM scene? What do traders look for? I would imagine the more characters the better, but just wanted some opinions.
2. Feel free to critique my collection. I'm just happy I have them all lol.
3. Enjoy the "scenery". Har har har! (P.S. The Mulan Pin is signed by the pin artist woot woot!). Sorry some images are blurry I did my best with the lighting :)



Love your Aladdin scene :)

What makes a "desirable" PODM scene?
It really depends on personal preference but in terms of what "generally" "people" are looking for, usually it's the iconic scene or the scene with the most characters. It's also usually the rarest scene. For Tangled, the scene where all the characters are in one frame and holding Rapunzel's hair one of the rarest and most desired scene in the series. They can go up to $300~500 for this one scene because it's rare, the expressions are great, the scene in the movie was great, has a lot of characters, and many people want that scene.​

What do traders look for?
Basically the same answer as above. Every trader is different. For Aladdin, I know some people might only want Aladdin while others want a scene of Genie. Some people want a specific character while others don't really care as they just trade for PODM to re-trade again since PODMs make very good traders as it's a popular series. I, personally, am very picky with my scenes. If it's not almost exactly like my grail scene, chances are, I don't really want to trade for it. Though that's not to say I wouldn't trade for podms since I do it's just they won't be my keepers :)

I would imagine the more characters the better, but just wanted some opinions.
Again, personal preference. "Generally" this might be true but, using the Tangled example, if I got my hands on the scene I mentioned above... here's a pic.


One is worth around $400 while the other is worth around $100. In terms of "desirability" and "popular" I guess that would be the first scene. But if I somehow got my hands on both of them, I would choose the 2nd one as my grail scene, my keeper, because I personally like the 2nd more. To me, in the movie, that had more affect with me than the first scene. I love the scene of them in the lanterns. So, it's all based on everyone's preference. There's no right or wrong. It's just what you like. If you're trying to get a "popular" scene to trade, then sure, go for the one that mostly everyone likes to hopefully trade for another podm that you want. But for your keeper, just go with what you think you like more :D

Speaking of keepers, which of these PODMs are your keepers? Like the scene is PERFECT and you won't want to trade for any other? Also, if they're not your keepers then what's the grail scene that you would want for that particular PODM?
Great collection! I'd give you advice, but Milky covered it pretty well. Personal taste really.
Speaking of keepers, which of these PODMs are your keepers? Like the scene is PERFECT and you won't want to trade for any other? Also, if they're not your keepers then what's the grail scene that you would want for that particular PODM?

Hi Milky,

Thank you for your input! Very detailed and thorough! It makes sense and now I can understand why some pins are "worth" more than others. To answer your question, of these PODMs (Which are not necessarily my favorite type of pin), the best scenes from my collection I believe are Dumbo, The Little Mermaid, Monsters Inc., and Bambi. I think they are good shots of the characters, they show personality, and you can remember the scene from the movie. It would have to be a fantastic pin to trade for these types of PODMs.

The grail scene...hmm....::looks back at collection::

I would LOVE to get a decent PODM of Cinderella in her gown, possibly with the fairy Godmother watching on. It's such a great part in the movie and I remember it as a kid. I haven't seen any of those scenes like that in a while (I just did a search on ebay, the nicest one going for $358 but not what I want!). The runner up would be Lady and the Tramp with both Lady and the Tramp in the classic spaghetti scene. I don't mind having the random scenes of pins, but they are not the highlights in the movies-that's for sure!

Thanks again, Milky and everyone else :)
Neat! I'm not a PODM lover, so I definitely can't answer any of your questions, but I think you have some lovely scenes! I think my favorite scene of yours is the one of Aladdin and Jasmine as "street rats." I also love your Bambi and Little Mermaid scenes.
Neat! I'm not a PODM lover, so I definitely can't answer any of your questions, but I think you have some lovely scenes! I think my favorite scene of yours is the one of Aladdin and Jasmine as "street rats." I also love your Bambi and Little Mermaid scenes.

Thank you Sora! Sometimes I wish I didn't come across the PODM series, but now that I have them, I'm hooked lol.
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