DSF/DSSH Almost Live From Everywhere: Up Anniversary Balloons
Good luck to all who are trying! The sale goes live in a little under two hours.
The sale starts at 9am PST/noon EST. The link for the sales page will be posted on DSF's official Facebook page here:
Disney Studio Store Hollywood
(It is a Facebook page, but as it is a public group you do not need to have a Facebook account to access it.)
Going by previous online sales - once you click on the link, you will be taken to a page with some instructions on it. It will have a box to check that you agree to the terms, and it will also have boxes for you to type in your name and email address. These name/email boxes are only to be used if you were partway through the process but left or got kicked out for some reason. If it is your first time to that page, CLICK the "I accept the term" box and then hit continue. DO NOT fill in the name/email boxes. If you fill them in and then click continue, it will give you an error and delay you.
If I remember correctly, the next page after that is the personal info page. From this point on you want to fill out everything. Name, address, email, phone number, etc. After that screen, you'll get to the screen where you can select the pins you want. After that screen, you will go to the payment page; I believe you have 10 or 15 minutes to enter the payment information to submit your order or your order will be void and the pins will be released for someone else to purchase.
There is a high likelihood of at least one surprise. It could be one or more pins in this same series, or it could be something unrelated. It is also likely that whatever the surprise is will be a smaller edition size than the rest of the release, even if it is from the same series.
You may order one of each pin; you do not have to order everything, so if you really just want Dug and Kevin, you can select just those. Each pin will be listed separately and you will have to select each one individually.
Also - often there are at least some pins that get caught up in the system - for instance, they get stuck in people's carts but the time runs out before they are purchased. Often pins that were shown as sold out right at the release time will pop up again about 20-30 minutes after the sale. So if you don't get in at first, try again after a few minutes.
Lastly - these online sales are always really stressful and always have thousands more people try for it than can make it through and purchase, and often come with site crashes, stuck in a virtual waitlist, or slow/laggy pages. It's important to remain as calm and patient as you can and follow instructions; for instance, if the page says that you need to wait and it's actively refreshing itself (there's usually an animation to show that the site is not frozen), don't be tempted to refresh on your end or you will be taken out of your place in the queue and stuck at the back of the line. (If the site crashes, though, just leave and follow the link back to the page.)
Good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing who all from DSF makes it through and is successful!

The sale starts at 9am PST/noon EST. The link for the sales page will be posted on DSF's official Facebook page here:
Disney Studio Store Hollywood
(It is a Facebook page, but as it is a public group you do not need to have a Facebook account to access it.)
Going by previous online sales - once you click on the link, you will be taken to a page with some instructions on it. It will have a box to check that you agree to the terms, and it will also have boxes for you to type in your name and email address. These name/email boxes are only to be used if you were partway through the process but left or got kicked out for some reason. If it is your first time to that page, CLICK the "I accept the term" box and then hit continue. DO NOT fill in the name/email boxes. If you fill them in and then click continue, it will give you an error and delay you.
If I remember correctly, the next page after that is the personal info page. From this point on you want to fill out everything. Name, address, email, phone number, etc. After that screen, you'll get to the screen where you can select the pins you want. After that screen, you will go to the payment page; I believe you have 10 or 15 minutes to enter the payment information to submit your order or your order will be void and the pins will be released for someone else to purchase.
There is a high likelihood of at least one surprise. It could be one or more pins in this same series, or it could be something unrelated. It is also likely that whatever the surprise is will be a smaller edition size than the rest of the release, even if it is from the same series.
You may order one of each pin; you do not have to order everything, so if you really just want Dug and Kevin, you can select just those. Each pin will be listed separately and you will have to select each one individually.
Also - often there are at least some pins that get caught up in the system - for instance, they get stuck in people's carts but the time runs out before they are purchased. Often pins that were shown as sold out right at the release time will pop up again about 20-30 minutes after the sale. So if you don't get in at first, try again after a few minutes.
Lastly - these online sales are always really stressful and always have thousands more people try for it than can make it through and purchase, and often come with site crashes, stuck in a virtual waitlist, or slow/laggy pages. It's important to remain as calm and patient as you can and follow instructions; for instance, if the page says that you need to wait and it's actively refreshing itself (there's usually an animation to show that the site is not frozen), don't be tempted to refresh on your end or you will be taken out of your place in the queue and stuck at the back of the line. (If the site crashes, though, just leave and follow the link back to the page.)
Good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing who all from DSF makes it through and is successful!