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ZAPPED! The long and winding, zap road

ZAPPED! The long and winding, zap road


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Most of the time, zaps arrive without warning. Open your mailbox and poof, they appear. In this case, I was contacted by my zapper requesting permission to forward my contact info to a 3rd party. My zapper did not have the pin herself, but had arranged to get the pin. So I knew *something* was coming from parts unknown, arriving someday. :anxious:

Well, yesterday the zap arrived! And it's this pin from my Most Wanted signature!

So I want to give a major shoutout to Selen (Merryweather). This makes twice she's zapped me with one of my Most Wanted pins! And a minor shoutout to Vicky from Florida, whoever you are, for trading with Merryweather so that the pin could make its way to me. This, and the Mickey pin are one of those situations where I had the opportunity to buy them when they originally came out. But I didn't have the money at the time, so I picked up the ones from this set I had to have. When they went on sale, I was able to complete most of the set but Mickey and Goofy were gone, gone, gone and I've been stressing about them ever since.

There has been a lot of turmoil in the pin community lately. What exactly is going on, I'm not really sure, but I've decided to put my faith in the pins and the path they take. The pins will reveal themselves as either good or bad. Traders & buyers will either build or lose trust with other traders & sellers by the manner in which things are handled and ultimately the pins they receive. Merryweather went out of her way to track down this pin for me, and that says an awful lot about the type of trader and person she is.

And now I have to go update my sig!
Goodness girl, I hope it is a real one! Enjoy :)

Nah, not worried about that, not much market in WDW LE pins. Too bad though, this is a very nice pin. It's 2.5" tall, so it is actually quite large with a good image. If Goofy or Christmas are your thing.