Dealbreaker? really?
But I have a Question - Each backer card is unique to each pin ( SKU Number ) How do you keep them straight?
You can use Google and Pinpics to match the card to the pin. On the Google search page type the sku number followed by . The caveat is that Skus are entered differently. Some people type the whole thing including the tiny number on the left and right. Others just include the last 6 digits or so, since the beginning part of the skus are usually all 40000. So for example, using a pin I got in the mail today. Putting this in Google: 400909114820
Gives me these results:,cf.osb&fp=a2e370afc0354df8&biw=1280&bih=685
Matching pin to card is obviously harder, but if you work a system so that all your alice cards are together, all snow white cards are together, all series are together then there would be less to sort through.