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Questions about New PinPics

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Questions about New PinPics


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I can't imagine the amount of work involved in re-doing a site like PinPics. Kudos and thanks to those involved to keep it up to date!

I'm sure many of us have some good questions about the new pinpics. Here are mine:

1) When will this change occur?

2) Will we still be able to keep track of our collections?

3) Will there still be listings for Non Disney pins? If so, will there be more defined categories? Since Knott's Berry Farm and Hershey Park are now more involved with pins, will there be listings for those? And for Peanuts/Charlie Brown pins? (Both Knott's and Not Knott's? lol) How about Harry Potter, Universal, WB, DC Comics, Looney Toons, Olympics, Rainforest Cafe, etc? (I hope all of these will be included in proper categories)

4) Will Marvel have it's own category? What about pre-disney Marvel?

5) What does it mean to "Upgrade your Account" and does that cost money? What does upgrading add?

6) Will all the pin groups remain? Those have been a great source of information....although some are not kept up to date.

Thanks to anyone who has answers to these questions. This would be a good thread for anyone to ask any other questions they might have. I'll probably think of more later. lol
I can answer a few of your questions from my brief discussion with Anthony today. I grilled him on some of the questions, and he did pretty well answering them. Let's see how I do....

1) The change is to take place "within the next couple of weeks," and when I asked if he could narrow it down, he said "definitely summer."

2) Everything you can currently do now on pinpics, you'll be able to do on the new pinpics, with just a few more little cool features.

3) if it's on pinpics now, it will be on the new pinpics. I don't know if they're considering new categories.

4) No idea, good question though. You would think it would.

5) Upgrading your account is something that will come along with phase 2 & 3 of the update. We're only getting phase one on this round, which is basic pinpics features. I asked Anthony what upgrades we'd be likely to see, but they aren't willing to announce those just yet.

6) Yes, these are still available, just located in the left hand side bar while doing your search.
I can answer a few of your questions from my brief discussion with Anthony today. I grilled him on some of the questions, and he did pretty well answering them. Let's see how I do....

1) The change is to take place "within the next couple of weeks," and when I asked if he could narrow it down, he said "definitely summer."

2) Everything you can currently do now on pinpics, you'll be able to do on the new pinpics, with just a few more little cool features.

3) if it's on pinpics now, it will be on the new pinpics. I don't know if they're considering new categories.

4) No idea, good question though. You would think it would.

5) Upgrading your account is something that will come along with phase 2 & 3 of the update. We're only getting phase one on this round, which is basic pinpics features. I asked Anthony what upgrades we'd be likely to see, but they aren't willing to announce those just yet.

6) Yes, these are still available, just located in the left hand side bar while doing your search.

Wow - Thanks so much for the quick response + for asking good questions! :tigger:
You know what I would love? A PinPics app! I know we can just access PinPics in Safari, but a proper App would be awesome!
Masamune said:
You know what I would love? A PinPics app! I know we can just access PinPics in Safari, but a proper App would be awesome!

Disney and Apple will not give permission for an outside app due to copyright issues using Disney merchandise and/or pictures.

I asked a few more questions at the Event also.

1- there will be no "Have" category for individual pins.

An issue described as if there is a number that people say they own a pin, it could either tank the "Wants" or increase the "Wants" to a trade value/eBay price that no one can achieve. And for members who have their pins in both HAVE and TRADES at the same time. It would not make sense if an LE 100 has 124 members having this pin? In turn, too many people "Own" a popular pin may deem it as its way to easy to get so the wants will tank out. While if a pin is found to have very few owns, the Wants may be inflated to a trade value that few to none will achieve.

Example. If the Rapunzel R/C had its "OWN" listed. What would happen if only 50 members said they own this pin? The wants would inflate more than it has recently and secondary markets would be out of reach more than they are now. But, if it said 300 members "OWN" this pin and keeping it in their collection. I'm sure the Wants would decrease drastically as anytime those 300 can flood the market and knowing some members may have 2-6 of a pin.
Recently the UP Marquee's sold. We know exactly how many pins are out there - 150. Majority of these pins are in private collections. About 5 pins surfaced in the last 6 months. They are accountable for. If an "OWN" was for this pin, would the value go up if it's found that less than 100 own this pin? Remember UP wasn't popular back then and movie goers had the chance to buy this pin. Let's say 80 pins only went to collectors - would that change your mind on its trade value and would it give it reason to want $$$$$ on the secondary market?

And could people take their pins off the "OWN" list to drive up demand and make their pins more valuable?

I for one wanted this option back in 2006 and will still ask for it but fully understand why all non administrative Pinpic members are not able to see these numbers. Hmmm, who's Pinpic ID's will I watch?

2- before the new Pinpics is released, a wipe of members who haven't logged in to their account will take affect. So many of the WANTS & TRADE numbers will be affected again to true active members data.

3- a feature I liked was when you click on a pin and that pins data is on your screen, a toolbar on the right of your screen opens up telling you pins that are associated with it. Either it be from a set or an event or series. No more reading the descriptions and copying/paste the individual pins to see this data.

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This should be interesting. I'm actually a bit excited about the changes to pinpics. I only hope that when they start the upgrade feature that it doesn't cost too much, and if we don't upgrade, that we'll be limited in what we can ad cannot do. My main worry is that basic features we all enjoy today become "exclusive" to paying members only. I am excited with the wipe of non-active accounts. Let's see how it affects the trades/wants ratio!
I liked that the trade requests will go out real time in a PM type system. No more waiting till morning for TA emails. There will be more info about a pin on the pins page. There will be a box below for "what can I trade to get" or "What can I get for trading" and you can see the pictures of the pins that are available, as well as their T/W just by hovering over the other pin. That's nice! They are also planning to have artist columns and cast member articles from time to time.

You don't have to pay for anything you can already do, like Grimm said above. Later on you will be able to pay for what I call stock trading like analysis. How hot a pin is, what the sold values were recently, what the projected sell value is, etc, etc. I know a lot of people were very skeptical and I blame the lack of initial idea sharing but the new site looks really great and the new features will definetly be an improvement!

There is also discussion of revamping pintalk. I think they want to freshen it up and really use pintalk as the discussion point for pins. The pins page may contain links to discussion about that pin, including how to look out for scrappers if there are thought to be some.
I don't quite understand the part about no longer having an owns list... I'll be a little bummed to lose that, as I use it to keep track of all the pins I own. Some I have in owns but not trades because I don't want to trade them but I want to see what I have at a glance-- or because I might trade them but ONLY for that special grail, so I don't want a barrage of offers for them.

I don't really understand why the owns list would artificially inflate the value... I thought people only looked at the wants/trades for that? The situation described doesn't make sense to me, because I don't see anyone in posts here mentioning the "owns" list when talking about a pin's value. If anything it seems like the lack of owns list would artificially affect the value in the opposite direction, since if I have to list everything I own in traders now, even things I have no intention whatsoever of trading, that will falsely push the wants/trades ratio in the other direction.
There are two concerns I have about pin pics.

1st: The images are taken and posted by pin pics users. Why do they need their "water mark" on the images and I heard they also do not want people using "their" images. That just seems silly since its something the community made and keeps adding.

2nd: If there is a "fee" I am going to be really bummed. I don't see myself as attached to the website anymore. :/
I think it's already been established that you won't have to pay a fee for anything you can already do on the site now.

Oh, I also had another question I meant to ask-- I've been dreaming of a more granular "wants" list. Maybe a one to five or one to three level, to distinguish "it'd be nice if I could have that" wants from "OMG GRAIL" wants. Obviously it's not a huge necessity, it'd just be nice for offering bids & trades... I don't even know how easy or hard this would be to implement, though. Has anyone asked them about anything like that?
I don't quite understand the part about no longer having an owns list... I'll be a little bummed to lose that, as I use it to keep track of all the pins I own.

I think you are misinterpreting what was said. You know how there is a way to see all the members trading a pin or wanting a pin? People have been asking for that same utility to see people who own this pin. That is what is not happening. You still won't see a note on the pin saying "347 people own this pin." Your own personal inventory of owns is not going away.

Now, I have a question. Does anyone know if there will be any ability to "tag" a pin? A lot of times when people add pins they don't list pertinent info, like listing all the characters on a pin, the movies represented, park it's from, etc. The last time I went through and commented on a bunch of stuff I was having problems coming up in search, it was all erased and I got a nasty gram about creating work for the moderators. I was hoping that with a revamped sites, there would be an easy way to add stuff like that without having to go through moderators. Plus, with the comments being moderated now, it seems like it would be easier for moderators to NOT add that info if they think it's too much busy work.
I think you are misinterpreting what was said. You know how there is a way to see all the members trading a pin or wanting a pin? People have been asking for that same utility to see people who own this pin. That is what is not happening. You still won't see a note on the pin saying "347 people own this pin." Your own personal inventory of owns is not going away.

*OH!* Yes, I misunderstood. Thank you for the clarification! :)
And yeah, tagging would be incredibly useful! I've had searches fail because of misspelled words in the original description, etc. If users could just add a tag to make searches more relevant, it would mean less work and more utility for everyone.
My only question was will they separate the New Pins from the "Commented" pins. It's frustrating to have to go through the comments to find the new stuff. That to me would be the best improvement. I'm looking forward to the new site and hope it will still be easy to navigate. Not too happy about feeling like I'm being "forced" to use PinTalk to discuss pins, but they own them both so they can do what they want. I'm sticking here and there so I'll manage. Those of you who saw the "premier" of the site, did they separate the new from the commented?
Disney and Apple will not give permission for an outside app due to copyright issues using Disney merchandise and/or pictures.

That is funny, as I know there was talk about someone here trying to do an app as well, but the reason it is funny as I just got a Kindle Fire last month and was searching for different Disney apps, and got a free one for park hours, etc, and then found a $.99 app to keep track of your vinylmations!
I have it as a shortcut on my phone and the icon looks like an app but it's not. See grandma's can be smart too:)
That is funny, as I know there was talk about someone here trying to do an app as well, but the reason it is funny as I just got a Kindle Fire last month and was searching for different Disney apps, and got a free one for park hours, etc, and then found a $.99 app to keep track of your vinylmations!

What's the name of the Vinyl app? I am the one working with Disney to try and get permission to publish and app I have already developed. It's been a year long saga so far. Pinpics also wants to do an app from what I've been told.

Also, I forgot to mention, pinpics is looking into a way to send out multiple pins to request a single pin. So you can offer 3 or 4 to their one. That would be nice!

I think the owns question was answered above but it seems the Mods on pinpics are going to look at the "owns" data and see what to do with it. The sensetivity of that data is understandable. People will be questioning authenticity of their own pins even more and then hysteria may set in on some pins. I mean, what happens to the Jessica as Alice pin that is LE250 and then 325 peope list it as owns? Or what about a pin that was just an overrun? How can you really tell if it was made at the same place and time as others, just happened to be sold via the gray market? The Tangled Marquee is rumored to have been sold directly from China. But noone has info on differences, so perhaps there aren't differences, it's just unauthorized over the LE300 size. So it is likely a few that either didn't make QC or were just overruns made it out of the factory and into the trading market. I've seen so many defected DSF pins lately there's no way a tiny variation could be used to conclusively identify a fake. Bad Paint dips, Wrong color, rough metal, missing stamps, etc. are the only way anymore. And that's if the real pins aren't known to have any of those defects to begin with. Many new pins have paint smears, dips, color errors, etc.
I'd love Disney to put up some money and do an app with FRS technology that you could take a pic of a pin and instantly know if you have it or not. That would be cool!
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