DSF wreck it Ralph release

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DSF wreck it Ralph release


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Jacksonville, FL
Is there anyone able to pick this up for me? Thanks in advance, I'm posting a thread in the trading section as I would be willing to arrange pre trade with PODM of BatB or Mulan, please and thank you.
i want to go get sum. Toss up on birthday movie for me also. NBC 4-D or open day of Wreck it ralph. mayb need to try for both.. lol
It depends on the licensing agreement Disney worked out with the game companies. With Roger Rabbit they couldn't do anything with non-Disney characters. With Toy Story, they have rights from the toy companies to make pins from some of the toys.
My guess and others are 5 pins. Marquee, Ralph, Jane lunch character, little girl character, fix-it-Phil character. Possibly a few characters together on one pin and some 8-bit esque other pin.
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