Suzanne: You are not a fool, you were trusting & made a mistake in not checking his refs. I'm in the middle of an identical situation, no pins, no responses & they got my pins a month ago!
You & I have been trading pins for more years than most, so we know what we are doing, but we are not without fault obviously, we have made our mistakes in thinking everyone operates with the same intentions we do.
In the past 2 months, I have had to file formal complants against 3 or 4 different traders and all but one finally did mail my pins after my filing the complaints.
THIS should ot be happenning, but the fact is that pin trading , as we knew it has changed.
People send when they want & come up with every excuse in the book for theit awful behavior.
I have started my own list of what I call bad traders, before I agree to a trade I refer to it or just plain block their Emails.
I wish we had something like that on these forums, but I understand the liability about bad mouthing other people. Maybe if they saw their names on the "possible scammers" list they would be embarrased & do good on their trades.
Sorry this is happenning to you, but YES, file a complaint & you might get a surprise, these mods work wonders, they really do. I have been so impressed with what they are able to achieve after I think I've been had! GOOD LUCK!!!!