When the DSF Wreck-it Ralph BT Comes Out Eventually....
Hey everyone!
So, everything makes me so anxious with these Beloved Tales that are coming out soon. And I think, "I am going to dread the day when the Wreck-it Ralph Beloved Tales comes out." So, I know it may or may not be for a while. Since it took 2 years for Tangled to have a Beloved Tales come out. But DSF has been known to mix it up with releasing 4 BTs and then a surprise BT. So, I am just putting this out there, but if there by chance (dear G-d there isn't) that there is a Wreck-it Ralph BT coming this April or next month, or in a couple months, or in a couple years, would someone please be able to pick one up for me? I am begging! Haha! Wreck-it Ralph is my one and only complete collection and I would like to keep it that way. I love Wreck-it Ralph and it would break my heart if it came out and I wasn't able to get one
So, please let me know if you would be willing to help! I will bump this every so often, not regularly, so that the word gets out there.
Thanks to you all!
Hope I didn't sound too mean with that post. I just am dreading the day for this pin. I am so nervous! haha
So, everything makes me so anxious with these Beloved Tales that are coming out soon. And I think, "I am going to dread the day when the Wreck-it Ralph Beloved Tales comes out." So, I know it may or may not be for a while. Since it took 2 years for Tangled to have a Beloved Tales come out. But DSF has been known to mix it up with releasing 4 BTs and then a surprise BT. So, I am just putting this out there, but if there by chance (dear G-d there isn't) that there is a Wreck-it Ralph BT coming this April or next month, or in a couple months, or in a couple years, would someone please be able to pick one up for me? I am begging! Haha! Wreck-it Ralph is my one and only complete collection and I would like to keep it that way. I love Wreck-it Ralph and it would break my heart if it came out and I wasn't able to get one
So, please let me know if you would be willing to help! I will bump this every so often, not regularly, so that the word gets out there.
Thanks to you all!
Hope I didn't sound too mean with that post. I just am dreading the day for this pin. I am so nervous! haha
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