Dear pin fairy
As a new D23 member and having never been to a pin release can anyone give me any tips as to when I should get down there???
+1 My sentiments exactly. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Kristine the one who authored the thread of 'words that make threads go boom' .... hmm ... ? :lol:This should be put in the thread of "words that make threads go boom".
Along with:
Brave BT
Tangled Ever After Pins
Princesses and Princes in Sorcerer Hats
Prince Designer Pins
That's what you say now, dearie ... . But is that your story and are you sticking to it ... ? :lol::::ATTENTION ATTENTION::
My Alter Ego, Tha PsychoPixie, was in totally and complete control last night at 1am when this thread was posted.
She is notorious for making up incredibly insane, fanciful and totally untrue statements. She is even worse when fellow Camping folks Egg her on, and suggest it.
Are these wild stories of different pins releasing true? Maybe. However, since I, Kristine, was not in control I have no way of knowing for sure.
Is there anyone with a D23 membership that is not taking a guest? I want to go check this out!
It takes 3-4 weeks to get a membership card... I knew I should've ordered this in January when I thought about it! :lol:
If you can get me in, please send a PM. Thank you!
Next Saturday is gonna be a busy day for traders in SoCal!!