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How have the forums been running lately?

Has DPF site stability improved for you at all recently?

  • Yes, greatly! No more errors.

    Votes: 14 10.1%
  • Yes. I still get the occasional error, but it's manageable

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • Neutral/No Change. Same amount of errors.

    Votes: 26 18.8%
  • No! It seems worse!

    Votes: 21 15.2%

  • Total voters
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How have the forums been running lately?


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As you know, we recently completed a fund raiser for DPF with the help of GoofyMoe and his awesome team. Moe and his team raised a significant amount of money for the site, and we are currently exploring options on helping the stability of the site as well as expanding and offering more things for our members. We will be posting an update very soon regarding the fund raiser and our plans for the site with the money that has been raised.

Also, as you know, in recent months the site has suffered some growing pains in that most are experiencing site errors with great frequency.

The poll serves as just a general consensus for the direction we should go with regard to our hosting. With the amount of money that has been raised, we can move to a dedicated server for at least the next year to year and a half, not counting other services and things we plan to do with the site, so with that, we're looking at about a year. If we move to a virtual private host, we can move for the next 2 years or so with what has been raised, plus the site additions.

We've upgraded the hosting slightly since the conclusion of the fundraiser, and we'd just like to know if it has had a significant (or any) effect on site stability before we move forward.

Thanks all!

if none of these fit, feel free to comment in the thread or discuss. :) Thanks again!
It is much better than it was a few months ago, where you were get error pages for almost half hour-hours at a time. Now when a random error pops up, usually it just takes a refresh of the page and all is right with the world (so to speak)
I think it is better, but still a few errors during peak times. I think we need a big DSF release to really judge. So next weekend, I think we'll get a better feel.
I have experienced some errors during the day while most of the US is still asleep, I think it's been quieter on the boards lately so will see how it goes around busier times too :)
Not sure if it also applies but I have noticed more problems with Chat of late, freezing, slow / delayed entries, not being able to type or loss of connection (I've done my own troubleshooting so no problems on my side).
Chat upgrade is something we do have planned; i'm not sure if we will stay with the same application, but we were unable to renew all the chat features this past year. With the money that has been raised though, it's entirely possible to renew the upgraded chat license as well as offer mobile/iphone/ipod accessible chat for some people. ;)
I feel that there has been a great improvement. I get hardly any errors now :) So i thank you for that! The only problem I have been having is blank PMs being sent and received. Really frustrating when you have typed out a long reply to find that it has sent a blank message and deleted all the stuff you just typed! This has only been happening since the forum upgrades so not sure if it is anything to do with that or just a coincidence that it is happening now!
When it gets busy (around DSF release times) I constantly get error messages. :/
It's been worse than ever for the last 2 days, makes communicating really difficult. I have to refresh pages about 8 times and sometimes I can't access the forum at all.
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