He is a very dear friend of mine. We spoke in great detail today in regards to this situation. It's not just about the auction, he really feels shunned and not wanted on the forum. While others do auctions, ( I will use no names because that is against policy) and gets many bids off their wants list, others put pins up for auction and get very little. It's very cliquey. I did an auction once and that was enough for me, I honored it regretfully. And would never do another. He collects the little mermaid and his pin is vey desirable. I think I saw perhaps one little mermaid bid. And like he said 800 views and 8 bids, but yet if one of the top members were to auction that pin off, they would have got loads of bids. He is aware that he will be now banned for this, but really does not care. He is not coming back. He has been hurt too many times and has had enough. On his auction page he apologized for the double post, wasn't a bump, he hurt his finger that he types with ( has stitches) and mistakenly hit post twice. The picture of his injury is on his facebook wall. It was a mistake and for that got an infraction even though he asked a mod to please delete the duplicate. I spoke to him and tried to get him to change his mind and stay, but his mind is made up. He feels shunned, unwelcomed and is very hurt . He rather leave than put up with the frustration and stress. I met him and his partner at the NJ event and he is genuinely a nice, kind, caring young man. We have plans to meet in October. I will miss him. It's sad how many members that we have loss because of feeling shunned.
He is a very dear friend of mine. We spoke in great detail today in regards to this situation. It's not just about the auction, he really feels shunned and not wanted on the forum. While others do auctions, ( I will use no names because that is against policy) and gets many bids off their wants list, others put pins up for auction and get very little. It's very cliquey. I did an auction once and that was enough for me, I honored it regretfully. And would never do another. He collects the little mermaid and his pin is vey desirable. I think I saw perhaps one little mermaid bid. And like he said 800 views and 8 bids, but yet if one of the top members were to auction that pin off, they would have got loads of bids. He is aware that he will be now banned for this, but really does not care. He is not coming back. He has been hurt too many times and has had enough. On his auction page he apologized for the double post, wasn't a bump, he hurt his finger that he types with ( has stitches) and mistakenly hit post twice. The picture of his injury is on his facebook wall. It was a mistake and for that got an infraction even though he asked a mod to please delete the duplicate. I spoke to him and tried to get him to change his mind and stay, but his mind is made up. He feels shunned, unwelcomed and is very hurt . He rather leave than put up with the frustration and stress. I met him and his partner at the NJ event and he is genuinely a nice, kind, caring young man. We have plans to meet in October. I will miss him. It's sad how many members that we have loss because of feeling shunned.
thank you tinkerbelle. you have always been a pleasure to deal with and I hope to see you soon in NYC! this is the guy who got the maleficent monorail at the jersey event.
but i'm here on a mission: so in the words of my favorite villain, "LISTEN WELL ALL OF YOU!"
I don't care what you guys say about me because I don't use this site as it is. I am his close friend. I have seen every bit of activity going on this page since we joined. I don't post or trade here cuz honestly, I don't like the gifting policy or the fact that you can send out pins and possibly not get the pin in return. anything I want, I buy; also for him. So...here's my two cents...
Mods: you guys need to get it together. an infraction for over posting on a public forum page...?! get a life. this and the other infractions he has received have no ground to stand on. this site isn't my life so if i get an infraction for this; kick rocks. all the rules aren't enforced and they are worded so vaguely that nobody can make them out. if mods would respond to messages as quickly as they throw out infractions, this site would be much better. get the owner of this page to update the rules and regulations in simple terms so that there is no future confusion. his hand is damaged and the request was sent to remove the double post....but was it done? NOT YET!!!! so before you throw out infractions, check your messages or the post!
madhatter: don't you ever come out like this again. i was helping him decide on who would go where on the leader board. the issue is not the auction results; but everything coupled with that. as mentioned, if any other high-profile member posted a trade, I GUARANTEE it would've gotten more bids. this auction was up for a week. no excuses. the bids were great from everyone....but I had a problem with people trying to offer so many things that wouldn't go to his collection; however nice they are. I may be a new trader and I've made a few mistakes at the event, but I've collected in many other categories outside of disney; so nobody here needs to tell me anything. I'm fed up with these people on this site. I don't post as it is, and my account will soon be deleted as well. I will say this to everyone : IF YOU WOULDN'T TAKE A CERTAIN TRADE YOURSELF, DON'T OFFER IT TO SOMEBODY ELSE! a lot of you offer lop-sided trades.
yeah...800 views and 8 bids...that's CRAP in my eyes. an ebay auction has a better ratio than this. the pins' rations are 18:201! some people literally pulled their bids before the auction ended. if it's ethics to trade with at least 1 buyer (which i think is another load of CRAP), then all of the bidders need to stay in. if i auction an LE 100 and only 1 person offers an open edition pin as my only bid...there is no way in hell I am going to honor that; regardless of what this forum says. they could've easily change their bids as described in the auction. i've seen other pins get crazy bids on this site. you can't enforce rules on me, my life, or how I act on this page...the worst you can do is give me an infraction and/or delete my post...whoopdie-doo!
bottom line: don't ever publicly attack my friend AGAIN for his decisions. this site is not my life or my world; so these rules are null and void to me at this point. i will quickly come out of my face to anyone who has anything negative to say. alot of you need to get off your high horses or i'll knock you off. It was situations like the one with 'eatinu' or whatever the your name is...you have some brass ones and i'll gladly kick them for you. After you promised him that Enchanted BT at cost if he helped you sell other pins to other buyers (and they were sold), you completely and utterly backed out of giving him the pin. Docfish pulled out the auction when he asked bidders not to w/o asking first. They broke rules should they receive infractions? everyone knows what you did if they read this. That's just 2 examples of what I call shady ethics on this site.
merryweather says it best actually. U all confirmed his feelings as he's seen this himself and not only is he leaving, but so am I!