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Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information

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Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
As someone said before it will be interesting to see where the line up of current princesses will go, especially if there's 2 more to be added later in the year.
I never thought of Jasmine as one of the more neglected princesses on the contrary in fact. The real ''victims'' are probably Tiana, Mulan and Pocahontas and I'm not sure where it will head for them. I guess there'll be a point where Disney will either have to make a decision whether they keep them all in the line or kick a few out. (Apart from the Cinderella, they are the only girls who aren't in fact born princesses so it could be a reason I guess). I'm not very familiar with Kida personally, but I can understand why she's not included in the range, the image of her being an ancient princess (is that right?), especially for girls who do adore their princesses in their gorgeous long dresses, might be a bit too complex to explain. Does that make any sense?
I am so in anxiety and exiting about L.e. Sleeping Beauty - Aurora doll.

I dreaming THAT doll from years, since here in Italy they don't come out and i discover lately (1 year) the option for order a limited doll by DS from UK.

I really really hope she will be romantic, graceful, beautiful.. With LONG hair in her signature big curls (in the end) and the curl-band..
a gentle dress... the color will be 90% pink (for merchandasing reasons).. but I hope - like many of you said - Disney will use a opalescent-changing with light texture... with bluish reflections..

And... actually... a Rose! I know.. Limited Belle had a rose but .. i want one for her too.. her "name" is Briar Rose too!

Anyway.. we just can wait. I hope for her... For Ariel.. curious.. I hope she will be NOT perfect (for save the money!!!!)

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I think it is very likely we will have a LE Jasmine next year. From what I've read Aladdin was supposed to come out this year, but because of an anniversary Peter Pan got pushed out instead.

I think Jasmine is the most popular of Disney's often-neglected POC princesses, though them seemed to have changed her and made her Indian for some reason (?), when her fairytale is clearly supposed to be set in the Middle East (kind of a mixed message for folks if their favorite princess is suddenly a different ethnicity, that would never happen to a white princess, but again....whatever Disney). Aladdin in the books was originally set in China, I also think that would have been cool, but I don't mind how they did it.

All this to say, Jasmine is a pretty popular girl and I am excitedly anticipating seeing a LE doll when her film comes out in the spring.

That is true that the bluray release was pushed to early next year but even with that being said it is not confirmed. To be honest if they end up pushing it to be the Oct release for 2015 there will be a more likely chance that they will release an LE doll than if they were to release it in March next year. The reason being that it was stated that Disney plans on completing the release of all diamond editions by 2016 however the line up is only planned up to next year with several movies still having TBC release dates. Also if the blu ray were to come out in march next year it would be competing against the 2nd muppets movie release and based on what we saw this year Disney would be more likely to release a doll based on the muppets than Aladdin. I.e there was no Peter Pan LE release but instead a China doll release which shocked a lot of people.

But who knows they could change it up again and release two dolls around March because they sure release more than one in the latter half of the year and have been known to really change things up. But my theory is that Disney knows that there is a target audience for these dolls and so they make us wait to keep us on your feet. So my guess is that they will just release one princess doll a year so that way they can keep producing these for at least the next 4 years (excluding Ariel there are only 4 princesses left in the current line up that do not have LE dolls) and know that they have an audience that will buy them.

Obviously they will still release the regular LE dolls based on theatrical movie releases but I believe that the Princess dolls will generally become an annual thing that is released around October. Hence why the slow down in dolls compared to prior years. I really think Disney is slowing things down to keep us interested and on our feet waiting for the next release rather than saturating us with too many that we lose interest due to the cost and sheer quantity of releases. Which I think is a smart move by them because you eventually get sick it when you have too much of something.
I have to agree with Polaris re: the Diamond Edition of Aladdin and any potential LE Jasmine doll having her best chance of being made with an autumn release. Of the pre-2009 canon Disney Princesses that have received LE dolls, they have all been released in the autumn alongside their Diamond Edition releases: LE Snow White (October 2009), LE Belle (October 2010), LE Cinderella (October 2012), and the upcoming LE Ariel (October 2013). The remaining dolls that have received LE dolls were in conjunction with their (non-Diamond Edition) home media releases of their new respective films or with a theatrical release, mostly in the spring with a couple of anomalies : LE Tiana (March 2010), LE Rapunzel (March 2011), LE Wedding Rapunzel (March 2012), LE Merida (June 2012), and LE Merida & Elinor (November 2012).

LE Alice and the LE Queen of Hearts are totally random, but they aren't part of the Disney Princess franchise anyway.

The LE Villainess dolls from the princess films thus far have received their surprise releases on the actual film's Blue Ray releases: LE Mother Gothel (March 2011) and LE Lady Tremaine (October 2012), with maybe a LE Ursula this year in October 2013.

Frankly, I am rather surprised (but not displeased) that they pushed up the Diamond Edition of Sleeping Beauty to 2014 only because the Platinum Edition was just released in 2009, which is a really tight turnaround time. I get that they are probably riding on the hopeful success of next year's Maleficent film, but I still think that it's a bit weird, especially since the Diamond Editions are supposed to resume through to 2016. Don't forget that from the previous Platinum Edition series, these films have still not been released as Diamond Editions: 101 Dalmatians, The Jungle Book, Pinocchio, and of course Sleeping Beauty and Aladdin (I am not counting The Little Mermaid in this list, because we all know that it is being released this year). At two Diamond Edition releases per year, that would take us into spring 2016.

As for the previously mentioned "neglected" status of Jasmine... well, she kind of is the odd-princess-out from among the first 6 princesses. First, she is not a titular character from a Disney film. Second, if you look at a lot of the older pre-2009 promotional princess art featuring a group of Disney Princesses, you'll most often see: Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Snow White, and Ariel. Note that these 5 also make up the core group for Disney Parks Princess Character Meals. Third, and let's be honest, she is an ethnic princess and from the Middle East, to boot. Don't think for a moment that the tragic events of September 11, 2001 did not have some residual negative impact on Aladdin, no matter how silly that effect may seem to many of us. Since then, Rapunzel has been on a very rapid popularity rise, which is hardly surprising, considering that her fairy tale has always been one of the most popular of the classic Grimm's Fairy Tales. Sadly, the four ethnic princesses just can't catch a break, but from the four, I think that Jasmine is at the forefront, followed by Tiana, then Mulan, and last is Pocahontas. I am in the camp that hopes that someday a LE Pocahontas and LE Mulan are released, but that would a move done purely to please us collectors as opposed to it being part of a marketing campaign. It could happen!
But I am really confused right now at the apparent "LE Ursula". Will she have her normal figure (positioned in a larger box than usual) or will she be thinner again, which would cause controversy like before (with Disney not having the "Designer" excuse to hide behind this time)? It would have been easier for them to go with Vanessa instead, as they have already made her for the "Ariel Deluxe Doll Gift Set". I'm hoping there's still a chance. Also, why would they be doing a pre-order for a LE villain doll so early this time, instead of making it a surprise release? So confusing.
If they are actually doing a presale of both Ariel and Ursula, I will continue to hold out a bit of hope that a Vanessa doll will be a surprise release when the Movie comes out in October.
OH MY GOD! CAN IT BE TRUE!? AN ACTUAL URSULA?! OH MY GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!! Seriously am now going to be haunting the website for the presale. 2000 is a lot...but not that much. OH MY GOD I WANT!!
And the couples sound pretty nice that it's not a huge collection with double prices. Depending on the actual final products, I might actually be tempted by the Belle & Beast combo...maybe. I'm running out of room! ;)
Now that the shock and awe has subsided, I'm of three trains of thought. 1) What if Ursula isn't going to be for presale, but instead was accidentally spoken of too early and is supposed to be a surprise release? Or 2) What if they aren't so confident in their +/- sized Ursula doll so they want to add the presale hype to it? Or 3) What if they are planning an even bigger wallet buster? What if for presale, they do Mermaid Ariel and Sea Witch Ursula...but then throw a curve ball and do a surprise release of both Human Ariel and Vanessa on release day?

Seriously, I may need an inhaler when it comes to the end of year doll releases! ;)
Holy wow, that's a pretty Ariel doll! I'm glad she's a mermaid, but I would've been happy either way, really.

And I can't believe people aren't more excited for Ursula. I never ever thought it would happen, so part of me is nervous it's a rumor.
WOW!! That is such a beautiful doll, I am surprised she is in mermaid form!! Can't wait to see some more pics/videos later today and tomorrow!! :eek2:
Does she not have an accessory? Could it be hiding in the hand we can't see in this image? Also, why isn't her top purple? And I'm slightly confused by background choice.
Right now, I'm kinda disappointed in her. But maybe she'll look better in close ups--from this small picture, I honestly can't decide what I think about her face.
that is one very dark mermaid tail and a lot of hair, no? I need to see a proper picture of her as I'm not fully convinced at the moment though I have to admit that she looks absolutely stunning. The prospect of having her and Eric together in the designer line gets me a tad more excited atm. Perhaps its the packaging as well... I'm much more a fan of the plastic frame all round so you can really have that 3D effect.
Yes she's a mermaid!!!!!!! I can't wait to see close ups. Her hair is parted on the wrong side though. Why can't they get that right. It's such a simple thing.
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