Oh Geez, Your Not Alone haha, Im 17 and a... Boy (No Offense to other males,theres nothing wrong with it of course, i just mean that im not exactly an adult yet), haha so it's been kind of hard, But By Now, My Family has Accepted it, and Yes of course i still get the occasional "you Need to Stop Buying Dolls" and "Why Do You Even Like Dolls?" bUt they know that i Wont Stop, I Just Wish they Understood That each Doll to Me is Very Special, and this might sound weird, but their honestly a Huge Amount of Happiness in My Life(if that makes any sense), i Mean, Come on you guys
With each little item in our collection of anykind (For Me Dolls), we hold a memory that we will never forget just by looking at that one item, each doll i have, i remember exactly how i got the doll, or who got it for me,where i found the doll, and who i was with, or who helped me purchase the doll. And I Honestly love that. Yeah its Sad that im Going to be A Senior in High School And i'd Rather Buy New Dolls THis Summer Instead of New Clothes, But at the end of the day, im Really Happy and i really just don't care, I'd Rather have a Doll That Could Last me Forever if i take good Care of it, than a pair of Shoes That will be Hideous By My Second Semester....lol, that is just me though, My Family Considers me The "Weird" one, But They Say That That is Why They Love me. I Always Have Loved Dolls, But i Sometimes Feel Like the Reason Why i Am Soooooo Into them Now That im older and i Don't Care about hiding my love for them is because as a child my father did not allow what so ever for me to have a doll, i remember he hit me atleast three different times while growing up with a belt because of dolls. i Remember when he snapped my "MYSCENE" Dolls infront of me and i burst out crying, then he hit me with a fly swatter handle (it was made out of wire)
The last time he caught me was in third grade, but even after that i'd have some brat dolls, Hannah Montana Dolls, And now i have A TON of Barbies,Bratz, Disney Dolls,And Around 60 Monster high dolls. The Sad thing though is that i still have them hidden in my closet & underneath my bed in boxes
All my family knows other than him, Well, i guess he does now, because just on monday he stopped by my sisters house (where i've been staying all summer) and i had my Ariel and Snow White dolls out on my dresser that had just came in the mail from the disney store, and while i was at summer school, i guess him and his friend went into my room to fix some problem with the air conditioning and HE SAW THEM! oh gosh, when i found out i flipped, and just yesterday i went home to visit and he didn't really say anything, i guess now that im gunna be 18 in november, im sure he understands that there is nothing he can do to stop me, im old enough to make my own decisions. So I guess it's all good now, but i do understand that i have to stop spending each dollar i get on dolls. it's not healthy lol. now that i'm going to get a car, i plan to get a job, and with each pay check i get, i plan to treat myself with a doll or two, do any of you guys ever do that?
Dang, Sorry i Wrote Alot, but i Understand all of you, thats why i LOVE this forum because i know that im not alone and that im not just some crazy kid who loves dolls, so THANK YOU ALL