disneyland paris november flyer
I just read something, didn't read it when i posted it, but the 30th november pin's won't be avaible at the disney village. Only at the pueblo trading post that is in Frontierland inside the park. Basically, if you don't have a passeport dreams, you 'll have to pay to get inside the park to go at the pueblo to get your pin's!!! usually people who don't have passeports, can have their pin's in wod disney village... But not this time. It's going to be crazy at the reselling trust me, with this conditions...
Let's hope many many people will complaint to disney and that they will add them to the village : wod
Isn't pueblo only open on weekends though? Or am I thinking of something else?
if they post the other side, can you post a picture? I would like to see if I need to set up a trade for it as I only collect belle & beast so the other side matters to me a little more (although belle in blue dress<3). Thank you!the good luck bad luck are spinner, the princess with the villains in one side, in the other with the prince.