Holy smackeroly! Rapunzel Reveal/Conceal is how much?!
I realize that there is a high level of subjective value for some of the pins in our collections, but c'mon... who is really going to drop that much money on a single pin? Sheeeessshh
More dollars than sense?People with $$$$$
More dollars than sense?
What does their feedback have anything to do with?
reveal conceal girls were a limited release yes but after they sold out (which didn't take as long as everyone says cause I was there when they were released and had two go to every store to try and complete my set cause they kept selling out) the next wave to replenish the stores got lost, so only the first wave of pins that was in the first stock order got released and is in circulation through the community. But on top of that when the reveal conceal girls were released pin trading was a lot different and many of the boxes didn't even go home with pin traders, so there are even less being traded. Hope this helps.