Yes I know numbers can change an not all will be the same. But lets not pretend or try to make it sound better than it is. We all know that if there was not money to be made, there would not be all the re-sellers in line. Let me now give some numbers we all know are true. Oh and I am not saying people are getting rich.
Just that they are making something and hurt the hobby while doing so.
For us members that have been around for a while, we all remember that this bs started to get bad on V-day 3 years ago. DSF had the set of 4 pins Up pins that would run you $12.95 each. so that's $51.80 + tax. Lets call it $60 to be nice. lol
those pins sold for $400.00 plus. I even recall one person selling them as the drove away in there car. Not next day or some time later. It was buy the pins and post pics from car to make money asap.
Now lets say they only sold for $360.00 which we all now is less than they went for. That would be $300 tax free in one sell with little time invested. As I said not all releases are the same.. but the goal for many is to make some kind of money. Its not about the Disney magic or enjoyment of our hobby. This is all IMHO and hope that clears things up a bit.
Sorry for my rant. WWWD