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September Disneyland Paris releases

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September Disneyland Paris releases


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My first thought. Too bad because I'm going there in September, was hoping for something awesome lol.

Yeah, the BF is going there the week before my birthday (he'll be over there for work and is stopping by Disneyland Paris for a few days) and was asking me what pins I would want.
The only one I like the look of is the Halloween Tink . I'm going in October and I'm guessing the OE pins will still be easily available . I am slightly concerned that the number of LE pins is dropping at DLP . Getting pins which make good traders is getting harder and harder for us non USA traders .
AHSWBCkzbvg kzdbvg

I LOVE The Nightmare booster! My grandma will love it even more and the Merida and Cheshire cat!! AHHHHHHHHH

The booster set is the same style as the frozen one so hopefully some gel fil and glitter is comnig...if it's a new booster style there I approve!
I am slightly concerned that the number of LE pins is dropping at DLP. Getting pins which make good traders is getting harder and harder for us non USA traders.

It's getting harder and harder for any non-Los Angeles traders. The emphasis on DSF/DSSH makes it hard for the majority of us in the U.S. too.
The only one I like the look of is the Halloween Tink . I'm going in October and I'm guessing the OE pins will still be easily available . I am slightly concerned that the number of LE pins is dropping at DLP . Getting pins which make good traders is getting harder and harder for us non USA traders .

Same. They can't hold value but imo, they're a better quality than American pins.
there are a lot of limited edition's pin this september at dlp, with the PTD about alice in wonderland, there will be at least 5/6 or more LE pin in september, + merida
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there are a lot of limited edition's pin this september at dlp, with the PTD about alice in wonderland, there will be at least 5/6 or more LE pin in september, + merida

These are only available at a specific event , granted they may not sell out but it's likely most will end up in the hands of the same traders currently selling the August PTN pins for large amounts on eBay . Compare this with over a dozen spread out over 4 weeks at DLR any of which I could get for slightly over cost and you begin to see the problems .
THE DLP EDITION LE seize is really different too... The ptn are 400, the regular LE are 600, and maybe, the ptd will be around 1000, not sure at all. Of course it's more difficult to have them because the dlr are often 1000 , 2000, even 4000 edition to the point that over 2000 many dlp trader consider they are like OE edition. We are used to small LE seize.

it's also difficult now to get dlp LE seize, you have to wait a long time, you have to go inside the park to get them. now they are not release in the village the first week end and often a good LE 600 is sold out during the week end.

i understand it's difficult , but they are dlp rules. The ptn start now at noon, and the pin's are sold at 6pm. ptn are always sold out and very appreciated from french traders. for a pin's like Merida, I will have to be there at 8am , i will have to wait 2 hours until they open and be in the queue , it will be the same for the PTD.
Oh NO! There is a Duffy pin I will be wanting. It looks like it is open edition so hopefully I will be able to get it somehow.
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Why did that Pin Trading Day have to be AIW themed??? :facepalm: It seems that I just can't catch a break with these releases lately ... .
I really like the Halloween and Nightmare Before Christmas Booster sets!! And count me in with those anxiously waiting to see what Alice in Wonderland pins they release too!!! :anxious:
XMas already? Seriously?

Anyway, I really fail to see anything I would really like to have in DLP recently...well, it's a good think from a certain pov.

On the subject of trading: I actually find it true that, if you leave the PTNs out of the equation, there aren't scarcely any pins released in DLP that have a decent "trading value" on the other side of the ocean, which is frankly annoying,
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