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WDI Rapunzel and Lilo in sorcerer hats

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WDI Rapunzel and Lilo in sorcerer hats


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Nashville TN
I remember hearing a few months back that WDI was going to release pins of Lilo and Rapunzel in the sorcerer hats. I did a quick search here and elsewhere, but I couldn't find anything about them.

Does anybody remember any details about this release? Did it already happen? Has it been postponed (or was it only a rumor)? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
No, you haven't missed it. There are six new Disney characters in sorcerer hats (LE 200) to be issued at the D23 Destination D event in Orlando, November 22-23. The procurement problem is that he Top of the World ticket holders ($1000) get the first opportunity to buy them on Friday morning the day before the event starts. If there are 200 TOW ticket holders, there may not be very many of those pins available for the general admission ticket holders, when the doors open Friday afternoon at the WDI popup store.
No, you haven't missed it. There are six new Disney characters in sorcerer hats (LE 200) to be issued at the D23 Destination D event in Orlando, November 22-23. The procurement problem is that he Top of the World ticket holders ($1000) get the first opportunity to buy them on Friday morning the day before the event starts. If there are 200 TOW ticket holders, there may not be very many of those pins available for the general admission ticket holders, when the doors open Friday afternoon at the WDI popup store.
Apparently Disney didn't learn anything from the backlash after they let the "Sorcerers" package people at D23 buy almost all the Designer Couples sets. Then again, they probably just see it as free advertising for buying the insanely overpriced ticket vs. the normal one. BTW Btowndude, do you still have my SWW pins?
Apparently Disney didn't learn anything from the backlash after they let the "Sorcerers" package people at D23 buy almost all the Designer Couples sets. Then again, they probably just see it as free advertising for buying the insanely overpriced ticket vs. the normal one. BTW Btowndude, do you still have my SWW pins?

They probably figured the 200 sorcerer packages @ $1500 = $300,000 was worth the issues they encountered. 200-ish people wanting the designer couples pin sets @ $150 (let's say they bought the 3-day ticket at full price) = $30,000, just 1/10th of what they already made (and made one year prior to the event).
I was one of the sorcerer passholders at the 2013 D23 Expo. FYI, we were not the first in line to get into Disney Store, despite the popular urban legend. The vendors who had rented space in the marketplace area were allowed in first to buy the limited edition merchandise.

PS Yes, Mark, I still have your requested SWW pins. I'll email later this week.
I was one of the sorcerer passholders at the 2013 D23 Expo. FYI, we were not the first in line to get into Disney Store, despite the popular urban legend. The vendors who had rented space in the marketplace area were allowed in first to buy the limited edition merchandise.

PS Yes, Mark, I still have your requested SWW pins. I'll email later this week.
I knew at least 3 sorcerer package people that got Designer Couples all 3 days. I was #11 in the public line on Saturday and got nothing after security let "D23" members in through the exit doors and the jackhole "wolverine" security guy held the rest of us up at the front door. Also know of a few people that just followed the Sorcerer package people into the main room and got sets too.
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