Hey there! So I always traded in the parks, and I only got into online trading recently. I was always skeptical about it, and was wary for a long time. Giving out your address was definitely a big part of my apprehension, and at times it still is. However, I have yet to have a bad experience with this website, and it definitely makes communication and trading a pleasure. (I am staying off of Facebook since I'm not familiar with their feedback system. I also try to keep pinpics trading to a minimum.) My number one rule is if you're ever not comfortable with a trade, you can always say no! P.O. boxes are also a great compromise, and I know many traders that use them.
As for buying pins online, always be watchful on eBay for fakes, and again: trust your gut. Paypal is the best way of payment in my experience for both here and eBay. (I don't even know if eBay offers another method.) Generally, the person who you are sending the payment to provides you with an email to "send a payment" to on the paypal website. Other times, they will send you an invoice. At first, I wasn't comfortable with paypal, and I sent checks. Those also worked, but they take time, and not everyone is comfortable with checks. Also, if it is a large purchase or expensive pin, I would ask that you request the seller provide tracking, and offer to pay the difference if necessary. (Although most should already have tracking.)
Which leads me to my next tip, shipping.
I always used to just go straight with my bubble mailers to the USPS, but then I was alerted of paypal.com/shipnow. When I just did USPS, it was about $3.00 to send a single pin, and that was without tracking. (It would have been another $1.40 I believe.) On the paypal.com/shipnow, you get the priority mail and tracking for up to three ounces (I rarely have a pin package that goes over) for a little under $2.00 . And even if the person I am trading with doesn't request shipping, I feel a lot better knowing where my package is and if it arrived to its destination safely.
Lastly, my experience with zapping is that it can either be done through a trade, (by including an extra pin or little goodie or something,) or just totally out of the blue surprise present. For the latter, the person may have your address from a previous trade, or (as often the case,) they get it from someone on the website who has obtained your address with the permission to give it out for these purposes. (I have allowed docfish2u to do that for me.) I believe that the people on this website respect other people's personal information, particularly addresses. (He is also who I get addresses from when I zap other people.)
However, if you do not want to be zapped out of the blue, which I can understand, then to be safe I would suggest that you explain this to whomever you trade with and ask them to not give out your address for any reason, even a kind one. Again, my experience with the people on this website is that they are very respectful about this. People can always ask you directly if they may send you a zap. (Which, although can take out some of the surprise, doesn't take away the meaning or kindhearted gesture.)
Last last lastly, if you do give out your address for zapping purposes, sometimes "mystery" zappers will arise. Many times these people do not want to be known, and at most times it is a curtesy to that person who zapped you to respect that privacy. However, if this happens to you and you ever feel uncomfortable (the pin was expensive, the package contained a message that wasn't welcome, etc.) you can always contact a moderator, and they will help you to straighten it out. Moderators are a great help, and they are absolutely wonderful on this website.
Wow, okay. That was a lot. However it is a serious matter and concern when you are on an online forum which deals with sensitive information. And I don't mean to scare you or turn you away from online trading with this information. Thus far, and I've been at this for almost a year now,
the pros have outweighed the cons exponentially. But it is important to be knowledgeable and safe when trading. And if you take anything away form this, just remember to
always trust your gut instinct.
If you have any questions about this, (I know I can be confusing at times,) feel free to pm me. I hope that you have a lot of good experiences trading, either in person and/or online, and regardless on if you trade or not that you have a good time on the forums.

Even if you don't trade, or trade very infrequently, the discussions here are great. Finally, I hope you are having a wonderful day and this was at least of some help! :wavey:
(P.S. I haven't read the other posts in detail, so I apologize if this is just a repetition of what is above, yet this is an issue which is very close to home and being informed is important.)