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mystery set

  1. EddiesPins


    Hello, I am starting a new thread on the 50th anniversary mystery pins. I need one pin, Remy. I have one for trade, SMRT-1. If we match, lemme know. We can do a 3 way trade if necessary to all get what we need also. Ed
  2. MerlinEmrys

    SOLD! Genie Mystery Trading

    I thought it would be good to start this thread since boxes will be headed out to people soon. :) Go ahead and post your ISO for the set and let's see what can happen! :D good luck everyone!
  3. Happy Haunt

    King Candy PTD

    If I recall the rules correctly I'm allowed two trading threads simultaneously. Anyways, I'm trading the DSF King Candy PTD. I'm not looking for another PTD for it... what I am looking for is Phantom Manor, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain... random cool pins... etc. PinPics is...
  4. Vixy

    Auction Ended: Avengers Assembled! FULL SET ends 5/22 8pm PST

    No, I don't have a thing for trains, it's just a coincidence, I swear! ...okay well I DO have a thing for trains actually. But anyway! I'm administrating this auction for my best friend Seanan, who wants to auction this set but can't log in often enough to watch it. So you're trying to appeal...