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  1. Classic Oswald Vinylmation

    Hi everyone! :wavey: Thanks for looking - I'm looking for the Oswald Classic Vinylmation but only have pins to trade for it (one addicting hobby/collection is enough strain on my wallet). Please let me know if you have one available - my pinpics id (Anting31) is fairly up to date. Thank you!
  2. Reagan Library - Mickey Mouse & Oswald Lucky Rabbit - D23

    Hello everyone! I have several of these Mickey Mouse & Oswald Lucky Rabbit pins from the Reagan Library. $11 includes shipping. Please PM me if interested.
  3. Comic Con Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Ear Hat

    Hello~ I am highly interested in purchasing an Oswald the Lucky Rabbit ear hat. These hats were given out for free at this year's Comic Con at the Epic Mickey 2 panel. Unfortunately I didn't know of their existence until AFTER the con. :( I am willing to pay up to $40 shipped for a hat. Please...
  4. A

    1930s Oswald Pin

    Hello, my mother recently tasked me to get a (e)valuation of a pin she inherited from my grandparents, she told me that her parents got it from a family friend who worked at an universal cinema in the 1930s. I have made 2 pictures and uploaded a video on youtube...
  5. S

    85 Years of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

    Hiya guys! I purchased this pin in Disneyland back in January hoping to score a good trade, but so far none of my PinPics requests to swap him have yielded a response. Is this adorable rabbit on your wants list? You know he's cute...look at his little face :cry:... He's in mint condition on...