the list

  1. tinkerbelle1956

    Forum Member

    Ripping others off . I know I can't mention the users name, but he posted a thread promising Tangled POMP's . With promise of the picture of the scene on release day . Thursday came & went, Friday, Saturday, no PM, nothing, notta ! But he was on the forum and is perhaps with invisible mode on ...
  2. markheardjr

    Shark Translator Needed

    Someone please help me understand this trade request. Step 1. Guy offers me 76484 LE250 Diorama for 51112 (Random rack pin) and says in the comments he's looking for other pins for a multi trade. Step 2. I reply and say I am interested so let me know what else you want. Step 3. He replies that...
  3. pinnochiolover

    Blocked by Ebay seller for asking for a picture -seller just contacted me

    Well the title says it all - I asked a seller for a picture of a pin because it was rather expensive and was a long distance purchase. He/She was using a stock photo, so I wanted to see what I would be purchasing rather than wait for it to arrive. The seller just kept questioning why I wanted...
  4. K

    What Traders I Should Stay Away From at DLR

    Can anyone share a list of pin traders I should stay away from? I know that there are some regulars at DLR that aren't very honest and I want to avoid problems, so if anyone can help me out I would very much appreciate it
  5. broncobilly83

    What would you do - Pin Trade related?

    OK, I am confused. Last month, I attempted to trade for a pin, and got a very polite response back saying the pin was not available for trade, but I can buy it for X amount of dollars. I thought I responded back, but I guess I did not as I sent the same person a trade request last night and they...
  6. Merryweather

    Trade and Feedback Worries - Stolen dizpin's reference???

    For the last few days I have been getting a rather weird message, not a PM but an e-mail, from a lady whose name was somewhat familiar. She is based in France - I think. The message included a word document showing what I understood to be possible trades. I thought she must be confusing me with...
  7. Mischiefmanaged


    In the middle of November I sent out a pin request for the Dumbo Dreams pin. This person said that they would trade the Dumbo Dreams pin for 2 of the DSF Lightbulb pins. We agreed to the pretrade of the Dumbo pin, and on the day of the release we bought them their pins. They were communicating...
  8. broncobilly83

    OK, this is just so rude, I have to post about it - Updated 12/10 with a new one

    I sent out my trade requests last night, and I sent two to this one person for either: 81550: DSF - Christmas 2010 - Chip & Dale 86234: DSF - Sketch Series - Stitch For one of theirs 86641: - 110th Legacy Collection - Medieval Mickey and Minnie Portrait Walt Disney...
  9. wyllieam

    Triple burned by three trades! What do you do??

    So, I have been trading very heavily since february via pinpics. I have never had any issues trading online but in the last 45 days I have gotten burned by three traders!! The first trade was a one for one. I sent it with DC and it shows it was delivered but they claimed they had no idea what...