• Guest, Help The DPF Community Thrive - Join Our Donation Drive Today!

    We're launching a special DPF Donation Drive to ensure our beloved forum continues to flourish. Your support is vital in helping us cover essential server costs and keep our community running smoothly — This is more than just a donation; it's an investment in the future of our community.

    Join us in this crucial drive and let's ensure our forum remains a vibrant and dynamic place for everyone.

    Please visit the DPF Donation Drive Thread for details and instructions on how you can make your donation today!


  1. disneypinqueen

    ZAPPED! I've been ZAGFISHED!

    So the hubby and I took a mini vay-kay this last weekend :cool:, and we're just getting back into the swing of things. The mail piled up a bit, and the hubby "forgot" to tell me about a little package that came in the mail while we were gone :dunno:... of course I was :mad: and couldn't figure...
  2. AgentR

    ZAPPED! Zagfish!! I will make a sushi roll out of you!!!!

    This week has been pretty hectic with so much things at work going on, and seeing that Duke Alex abandoned his people added to the fire. I was coming home from work, feeling tired, and I saw an LBE waiting for me at home. I look at it, and I immediately made a loud UGHHHHH!!! It had a...