2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Unfortunately it isn't wise to share how. Plenty of scalpers like to scope out the thread for the links to LE dolls, so it's better to just keep that under wraps!
Agreed. I'm happy not knowingbut very thankful for the link fairies who help us out.
That was quick. I knew that Ariel would go super super fast, especially since even on this board we had a lot of members who missed out at the stores and would be trying online. But I seriously thought she would last at least an hour.
Now that it's over (barring the dreaded, We're sorry we can't complete your order email), I'm just trying to process this whole episode. I haven't collected any of the 12" dolls prior to this series (I'm mostly a 17" LE collector). Since the strongest rumor so far is that they are doing the last 5 princesses next year, I'm hoping that Disneystore looks at this series and ups the edition number. They have blown through their more popular selling princesses already, but I still think 6000 is too small an edition size. Maybe 13,000 was too many, but I think upping the size from 6000 would be reasonable. My physical store could have run through at least 3x what was sent to them.
And sadly, although I think the price tag on these designer couples is overpriced (I'd have put them at $100), we all paid what they asked. They could up the price by another $10-20 and I think they would still have sold.
Unfortunately it isn't wise to share how. Plenty of scalpers like to scope out the thread for the links to LE dolls, so it's better to just keep that under wraps!
Personally I am a fan of the 8,000 edition size that Ariel and Cinderella received during the first designer line. I think that would be a much wiser option, personally. Gives a little more wiggle room without making them too numerous.
8000 would be my preference too! Great minds think alike
I wonder if they would do it though. Mulan is my favorite princess, but she's not marketed well by the store (I'm still hoping for an 17" LE for her, but her bluray has come without any fanfare).
As I recall, the original Designer Princess dolls were $64.95, so two dolls at ~ 2x seems reasonable.
The original ones were $59.95 (or $59.99?) pre-tax.
I actually didn't mind the $79.95 price tag for the villains, because all in all the clothes were just that impressive.
The price tag on these sets stung, big time. Luckily, I am not an expensive doll collector normally, so with the exception of the Mermaid 17" dolls and the Lady Tremaine I got last year, I don't have to worry about budgeting for any dolls other than the seemingly now annual Designer sets.
Personally I am a fan of the 8,000 edition size that Ariel and Cinderella received during the first designer line. I think that would be a much wiser option, personally. Gives a little more wiggle room without making them too numerous.
8000 would be my preference too! Great minds think alike
I wonder if they would do it though. Mulan is my favorite princess, but she's not marketed well by the store (I'm still hoping for an 17" LE for her, but her bluray has come without any fanfare).
I'd feel better about the price tag if I felt the Prince doll would be something I'd buy at ~$60. But I kind of view the Princess in each set as the main event, and the prince as her accessory (lol) given the outfits of the prince are not as impressive on the whole. So I thought they were mildly overpriced.
But we vote with our wallets, and clearly Disney didn't pitch the price too high. Given that people are willing to pay $400 on ebay, I seriously wonder what the market would have bourne.
For me, the only prince who was actually worth his proverbial salt (in terms of these sets) was Beast. He was/is really unique, IMO, and I think the only one of the male dolls that was actually worth the money.
The rest, as you said, for me are like accessories, LOL. Some worse than others, namely Snow's Prince and Flynn, sadly. Aladdin's not too bad, though his clothes really do not fit properly. Eric is the second best for me behind Beast, but still not worth that cost to me. But hey, let's face it, I would have shelled out the $130 just for Ariel alone. She is my all-time favorite.
I certainly had no intention of getting all five sets, but whaddya know. :facepalm: The princesses are what made me end up getting them all, with the exception of the BaTB set. Beast sold me on that one. All things considered, most of those early released pictures really did not do these dolls justice.
I certainly wouldn't mind if they were not quite so limited. I'd buy them no matter what the edition size is because I love this set so much!
Lol. I had no intention of buying as many as I did either (all but Jasmine; my budget wouldn't stretch that far, so one had to go and I'm not a big fan of the Aladdin movie). I was only going to buy Belle and ~maybe~ Ariel. But then I saw them in the store and knew I needed Snow and Rapunzel too.
And I'm not proud of this, but if I hadn't been able to get Belle I would absolutely have been willing to pay $400 for her. Disneystore almost never gets her in a way that I like (I hated how they did the 17" LE for her to the extent that I wasn't willing to get her at retail), and I love her dress in this one. And as you said, the Beast is unique for her set.
There are a couple of like pages, I was looking at one called "Disney Limited Edition Dolls" and another called "Disney Store Collector Dolls."Where are you guys going on Facebook that people are talking about the dolls? I went to the Disney Store facebook page and they didn't even mention the dolls.
There are a couple of like pages, I was looking at one called "Disney Limited Edition Dolls" and another called "Disney Store Collector Dolls."