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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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I had it in my bag and waited a few seconds to see if the gift bags will go online too and then it was again away from my bag. what?
Hm, fishy. I kept hitting preorder and it kept saying I couldn't preorder them, so I hit refresh and it said sold out. Oh well, they are just dolls, but it sucks that I stayed up until 3 in the morning for this...
Do not get excited. This happened with the princess pins after the 2011 expo. I mean hell, its worth a shot, but I don't want anyone to get crushed!! I also placed an order on a prayer lol!

I think its a glitch. There is no way they sold out that fast, unless they had like, ten sets available. Keep trying!
Do you guys really think it's sold out now or maybe they will come back in a few minutes? Maybe they are just getting so many orders and put sold out till they proceed them? How many are up for pre-order anyway?
I think it could go either way. It could be a glitch (because when things sell that fast there's usually a crash on the site or something - this was too smooth to be an actual sell out I think), but at the same time I do think it's plausible that they had very few sets available for pre-order given: A) Reduced edition size down from Designer Villains and B) Amount of time Villains took to sell out as a set.
LOL, how much longer are we supposed to stay awake and see if this was a glitch. At least one person on here got them, so I think they just sold out really fast and it was a lottery whoever got the 10 sets they put up. Only 6000 were produced, so there probably weren't that many put up for preorder.
Got the pins... but NO DOLLS. There is something that should be said to Disney about how TOTALLY UNFAIR it is to take something out of your basket DURING your checkout process! Just because I had to change my credit card number, does not mean I was the last person to add to my cart! This better be a glitch.

I would gather that there were at least 100 sets up. If there were only ten there would be no purpose in pre-selling the sets in the first place. Either way, if it's closer to 100 than to 500 or higher, I can see them selling that fast.
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