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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Sorry if this question has been asked already- when the dolls hit stores, do people tend to rush in to get them? I've confirmed with my local store that they WILL have them, so I definitely plan to go the day of their releases. I wasn't living in the same city I am in now when the villains released, but they definitely weren't around anymore when I got here and I bought what I wanted from those dolls online (except Maleficent, which was sold out). I'm just planning to get to the mall when it opens, I don't really expect it to be difficult- thoughts?


They may well think they have it and just didn't think to check their order status. A lot of people don't know to do that.

Seriously, it's not your fault. It was a failure. Any time a website allows you to buy something that is sold out, it's a failure. And it has been going on for years with no improvement in sight.
Well, I just called guests services and was told the same, " the pins sold out and over exceeded expectation..." Same script, that's always said when these things happen.... I was then offered the $20.00 GC. To them, it's noting to give that GC because its no different than a 20%off sale....HOWEVER, at least it's something....I was just REALLY looking forward to that pin set, I should have known that it was too good to be true. Anyways, I will just wait for the GC e-mail and then I will call and have them apply it to my Ariel pre order. I guess I should be happy because that's a total of $40.00 off, due to their unexpected expectations for inventory, from their "magical" website:/

You don't need to get there at opening, line up, etc. You have to show up between 12 and 1, enter a raffle, and wait for the drawing at 1:10pm. You have to be 18 or older and show ID to buy one. Same procedure used in stores for the Villains.
I feel I have a good shot getting them in store. Once of my local shops is getting in 18 of each set and they're in a really remote town (almost an hour drive from the city), so here's hoping I can get them. Maybe I'll bring someone to double my chances. Either way, I'm sure it'll be a fun experience. I actually enjoy lining up early for the LE dolls.
What does everyone think about the Uk and Europe not having separate days for online and in store purchases? I planned on trying in store then at least if you don't get one you can try online the next day. But now they are been released online and in stores on the same day:/ do you think I should try online or in store?
You don't need to get there at opening, line up, etc. You have to show up between 12 and 1, enter a raffle, and wait for the drawing at 1:10pm. You have to be 18 or older and show ID to buy one. Same procedure used in stores for the Villains.

Awesome, thanks for the details!


What time online do they show up vs the stores? How close is the store to you? Do you have a smartphone with data? Perhaps have someone that doesn't want to go with you try their computer, you try your smartphone on the way to the store?
In the banner of Europe they said with * = Dates are SUBJETS TO CHANGE.

What this mean??? We are NOT sicure even with the release date??? Gosh, this is horrible! :anxious:
I believe they always say subject to change in case of an emergency (i.e. God forbid, a national tragedy that prevents a certain store to release, and all stores would most likely cease sales of the product that day out of respect), OR if for some reason the dolls were as insane as the princesses, and they would have to change the method and therefore release dates of remaining dolls (the final five in the original set had to be released during the middle of the day online and in stores, all at once, due to the insanity of the first five) I wouldn't fret too much about it, I think its just a formality and so that no one can like, sue them if anything were to happen where they would have to be changed.
I really want some of the mugs/journals.. considering ordering them online but does anyone know how DS packages their mugs/journals for shipping? Horror stories about poor packaging are making me nervous to order something so breakable..lol

Yes but why put this detail of date changes just for european banner - infos? In us site they put the dates,just that. No *, no annotations...
This thing is frustrating.. :anxious:
I really want some of the mugs/journals.. considering ordering them online but does anyone know how DS packages their mugs/journals for shipping? Horror stories about poor packaging are making me nervous to order something so breakable..lol

Every mug I've ever ordered online has come nice and snug inside it's own box, all have arrived safely.

Out of curiosity what is the release schedule in the UK? My sister is in europe, I may have her try for the dolls I want if I'm unsucessful here. Do you have a link to the schedule?

Out of curiosity what is the release schedule in the UK? My sister is in europe, I may have her try for the dolls I want if I'm unsucessful here. Do you have a link to the schedule?


Here is the official european banner.

As you can see, they will put online and in-stores the dolls the SAME day.. and the date are subject to change.
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International shipping is a rip off, my doll set shipping was $245.50 making the total $895.25 and that's before duty and taxes
Thanks for showing me the banner....yeah, separately the online and in-store days was one of the few smart things disney did this time. I think you are looking at trying online first, and then at the store (assuming the sales online go live at midnight).

I can't tell you how tempted I am to feed the ebay sharks and just avoid the hassle of trying for dolls. Trying to stay strong because I really dislike the predatory behavior.
Unfortunately, they charge shipping based on how much you spend. One reason why I almost never buy pins from them. To ship 15 pins to me costs $50, plus what I have to pay UPS when they arrive.
I really want some of the mugs/journals.. considering ordering them online but does anyone know how DS packages their mugs/journals for shipping? Horror stories about poor packaging are making me nervous to order something so breakable..lol
Actually, the mugs are always in their own individual box and I've never had a problem. It's everything else, that's just tossed in there with those silly little airbags.......

If I were buying the dolls this time round this would make me feel uncomfortable. At least with designer princesses I was able to travel to London first to try and get some of of the dolls then the ones I didn't I got online. My husband and I already knew we were both going to try and get them and we ended up with more than we needed but we sold the others on eBay for retail as you can't return them. I wasn't bothered about this because I knew someone would appreciate it and you can't return limited edition items unless their is a problem.

Its good to see that DS have allocated to more stores, be interesting to see what each store is allocated!

A bit OT but anyone have a giggle at the amount of people that have been viewing this thread today!

Oh and I really hope that person on eBay has their order cancelled as that is just pure greed.
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