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2015 PTD Discussion Thread - NEW PINS 12/4/15

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2015 PTD Discussion Thread - NEW PINS 12/4/15
I think Stretch is my favourite; love the Toy Story secondary characters. Although I hear Li Shang will "make a meringue out of you!" :rofl:

Photo credit to Hector Lopez on Facebook

And I'm guessing that Diamonds and Hearts will show up sooner or later.
Ace of Clubs! And we had Ace of Spades not long ago. I wonder if there will be Diamonds and Hearts, too.

Just by changing the art a little they can do the whole deck of cards. As for Shang:
Come on Disney, you're just being lazy.
I'm hoping to get Shang for my collection and hope to trade for him

I still need to get Frozone from 2 flips ago.
It's...not actually Disney it's a third party..

Either way...I don't think it's going to get better...

You have a sharper eye than me. I noticed some of those but not all. Just seems ridiculous that with the opportunity to create original pin art they would just do this reuse thing. On the other hand, unless I'm mistaken, there have been several cool and unique recent ptds too like the 3 pigs, Treasure Planet, Casey jr., Hans. The Frozen princesses were also different art from the other Frozen pins, though they weren't great, but at least not reused over and over. Just my opinion, I mean they cost $16!
You have a sharper eye than me. I noticed some of those but not all. Just seems ridiculous that with the opportunity to create original pin art they would just do this reuse thing.

Knowing someone who creates pins for Disney, it is likely an issue with legal. The hoops the designers have to jump through and the volume of work, a few people have to manage...its much easier to reuse existing art that already has the legal approvals, than jump through the hoops.
Man, that Frollo could have been so much better. The detail in the face is just terrible (on the actual pin)... Sorry if I caught that one late, realize it's a week old now..
She was the only LE300 of the group and a decent size, and there has been pretty even interest amongst the four, so I'm not entirely surprised Stretch was the first to go.

As someone who designs things using other very well known characters: you are absolutely correct.
First Frollo and now the Gargoyles! Perhaps there is hope for Clopin yet!
Love this flip over all. Especially Fifi.
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