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2017 Pin Releases

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Oh my, in the Alice Pin Trading Tales, the chain attaches to her head:rofl:

Oh wow, I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out. I hope that's the PP version and they've fixed that. Although, honestly, I think the only thing I like about the pins in that series is the dangles. Without the dangles (which normally I'm not the biggest fan of), I wouldn't be tempted.
Waaaaat? I still haven't gotten any news on mine. :c

Actually I emailed directly cuz I hadn't heard anything. Apparently they're shipping via UPS and should've sent out notifications and tracking numbers. Everything has been shipped yesterday and today, so I guess depending how far you live from Hollywood, you might have to wait a little. However, the good news is that they're coming!! Woohoo!!

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Ooohhh awesome!! Do you mind messaging me the email you used? Please and thank you. c:

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Re: DSSH shipment

We didn't receive any notification, but my husband has a UPS account. When he logged in today he could see the shipment details and delivery date. He also could select online signature release to authorize delivery even though we won't be home.
Oh gosh, Kevin! That will be an adorable addition to my Paris lanyard collection. Hopefully she won't be too hard to find!

Still need to track down a WALL-E, too. I'm hoping that people will bring the more recent lanyard refresh pins to the trade event in August.
Nice! I accidentally gave my home address (where usually no one is home all day to sign) rather than my work address. I'm assuming I'll come home today to a slip. Hoping it won't be too much of a hassle to get them!
Nice! I accidentally gave my home address (where usually no one is home all day to sign) rather than my work address. I'm assuming I'll come home today to a slip. Hoping it won't be too much of a hassle to get them!
Tessa, you kill me a bit inside. XD

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