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2023 Pin Discussion & Pin Releases 💬

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I wonder what the two days DSSH event will entail. Usually they just have the board trading so wonder what they will do for two days. Just lots of board time? Even the WDW event moved from 2 days down to one so strikes me as strange that DSSH went in the other direction. Maybe 2 days but each one is separate so people get tickets for only one or the other? Not sure that is great from a low LE pins point of view as it is double the participants.
WDW's event changed because of department budget and personnel cuts, along with more restrictive access to park spaces (i.e. The epcot world showplace)

Since DSSH doesn't have those same restrictions, acting somewhat autonomously by comparison, I'm not surprised they would try and capitalize on it.

Still doesn't explain how they will fill two days. But might shed some like on the why.

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It is possible if they split it between two days that each day has its own pins.
I only ever went to one of their events, at the Nixon library for B&B. But they had alot going on at that event. I could totally see them doing that for two days. They had different games going to get pin trades in, lots of trading boards, and other stuff going on if i remember right. The main problem i had at that event was i couldn't be everywhere at once and ran out of time to get to things.
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